
WebRTC line and the change of the call center

In the past, not all companies had large call centers. The reason is that in order to set up large call center departments it was necessary to bill well. Establishing such an office used to be costly. Fortunately, the advent of the WebRTC line lowered communications costs considerably.

That same structure is still in place in many companies today. To be sure, not upgrading the call center goes far beyond useful, modern modules. Maintaining an old-fashioned call center is just as costly as before. Even if it is a planned expense in the budget, it could be reduced considerably.

The WebRTC line: Why is it cheaper?

The traditional call center consisted of a rather complex installation. This included servers, connection accessories and specialized software. At the same time, installing a physical server generated maintenance costs, the payment of system engineers and a lot of space that had to be adapted.


Neotel's webrtc line

To this must be added the telephone fees charged by the usual telephone companies. Of course, this business model required a large investment. With the introduction of the WebRTC line, everything became simpler, since communications are made via the Internet. This system is the one that allows opening chats and videoconference rooms through web pages and social networks.

Companies such as Neotel have adapted this new technology to support the entire service through call center software. Once hired, the company no longer needs a physical server because all the data is stored virtually. This, in turn, reduces the cost of paying for specialized personnel or installations.

The cost of calls also goes down

Another advantage of the WebRTC line is that communication costs also go down. It is not the same to pay for telephone line services as it is to pay a company that offers a virtual PBX. Telephone communications migrate to the Internet and this makes them much cheaper.

The whole system through an interface that does not even require complex installations. The operators have users from which they enter and carry out their management.  The only thing needed to answer or make calls is a device connected to the Internet. This means that the call center could normally operate from outside its own premises, further reducing costs thanks to IP telephony.

The best part is that the company can more easily access such modern communication modalities as videoconferencing. In addition to the savings, modern, useful and easy-to-use modules and functionalities have been added. Among these are the predictive and progressive dialer, robot call, signaling and other elements that will facilitate customer service.

All teleoperator management is subject to monitoring and the system provides managers and coordinators with statistics to improve their work. Undoubtedly, incorporating the WebRTC line into the call center is a priority.