
Virtual fax: an inexpensive and necessary anticipation

Communication is power because it makes things easier and makes it possible to generate business and money. But this principle does not only apply when it comes to upgrading and accessing new technologies. In fact, businesses that implement some old communication devices can be very profitable. This is the case of the virtual fax, which allows to make provisions, mixing the new with the not so new.

Some technology market statistics indicate that the fax is far from extinct. Not even the Internet or smartphones have been able to completely take this device out of circulation. It is commonly believed that this technology was left behind in the eighties and nineties. However, in countries such as Japan, the United States and Spain itself it is still widely used. Below, you will see why it is important to be able to use this device and an innovative way to take advantage of its benefits.

What is fax and how can it be virtual?

virtual fax

The fax machine was the device that came closest to what smartphones do today in the early 1980s, when the Internet was just being born. Basically, this device is a combination of a scanner, a modem and a printer. In this way, images can be copied and sent using the telephone line and, in fact, a receiver number is needed to be able to send the reproduced image.

To tell the truth, there are still many people, businesses and companies that keep their old fax machine, or invest in a new one. Understanding this, it is important to be able to send and receive faxes to be able to exchange documentation and negotiate with those who still use these devices. The question is, do you have to buy one of these huge devices to be able to do this? The answer is of course a definite no.

There is now a way to send and receive faxes without a fax machine. To do this, you only need a telephone number that is usually used to have this type of equipment and any email. This service is known as virtual fax and links the technology of the past with that of the future. From here on, you only need to have an Internet device to send and receive faxes. Without a doubt, this is a very useful solution and gives customers more options.

Why is it important to have the virtual fax?

In principle, the virtual fax allows to establish one more way of communication for those who prefer to use this old technology. In this way, a person located anywhere can send his documents in case of any negotiation or contract signing. For example, the buyer of a telephone equipment could send his ID card to buy a telephone line. Similarly, companies can send information.

In Spain the figure of the burofax continues to have a transcendence in the citizens. In fact, many requests to government or public entities must be made by fax. In other words, in some countries it is even a requirement to be able to send and receive faxes. This, of course, is something that any business owner or freelancer should take into consideration.

With this service it is not necessary to buy more devices that generate expenses and take up space in the office. The technological adaptation can be done by simply having a broadband connection. By having the service and entering the fax number of the person to whom a document is to be sent, it can be sent to his or her own device. Better yet, to receive a message by this means, you only need to open the email. If you were wondering, how does virtual fax work? It is as explained above.

Neotel: More than a call center software program

If you are wondering what a virtual PBX is, it is basically a program that allows you to connect the company’s communication, professionalize it and be able to control it in its entirety. At the same time, this software provides small, medium and large companies with marketing tools in order to motivate higher income. For sure, this is a technological solution that is present in the most successful companies worldwide.

The best thing about Neotel’s virtual PBX is that some of its add-ons are very inexpensive. With us, the virtual fax service costs only 8 euros per month. This is just one of the advantages that far outweighs traditional software call center programs. Contact us in case you have any questions.

Virtual PBX: SMEs sell more by controlling communications

Today’s world is a world of small businesses and this trend has been accentuated over the last two years. According to statistics for the year 2022, 90% of the world’s companies are SMEs and in countries such as the USA they account for 99% of the sector. However, low sales and low cash flow are often the main reasons for business failure, and this is due to communication. A good way to improve this aspect is the adoption of the virtual switchboard.

Let’s imagine the hypothetical situation of a family business or a microenterprise. It aims to offer goods or services, but does not know how to sell them. Some interested parties call to inquire, but find a manager who does not know how to sell, or simply does not answer the phone. Believe it or not, this is precisely how a company seals its fateful end. Of course, all this can be avoided by means of the virtual switchboard. If you don’t know what this is all about… Pay attention!

Virtual PBX What is it and why is it so necessary?

virtual pbx

The quality of communication is everything for a business. For example, it is now known that not everyone trusts social networks to do business, especially not in the case of new ventures. In addition, customers are often ready to make a sale after about five contacts with a certain product offer. All this indicates one thing: Communication processes must be controlled, and that is where the virtual PBX comes in.

A virtual PBX is an environment that allows to control all incoming and outgoing calls received by a company. Through this tool, a company can place a single number to channel all calls from the public, which can be answered on different devices. This has many advantages, but the most useful for a new venture that needs sales is to centralize everything in one number, but that can be attended by more than one person.

Using a virtual switchboard for companies centralizes communication in a single number. At the same time, several people or managers of the company will be able to answer, thus ensuring availability and quality service. This is precisely what increases the probability of closing more sales. Of course, this is only the most obvious benefit of using this type of program, which is often referred to as call center software, although it is much more than that.

Three advantages of the virtual switchboard for SMEs

To tell the truth, betting on a virtual switchboard service for companies has many benefits. Everything will depend on the capabilities of the program itself, understanding that there are a few on the market. However, below, you will learn about three basic advantages that any company obtains by using this tool:

  • IP Telephony: Companies nowadays usually hire virtual PBX services because they allow migrating communication to IP telephony. This means that all calls will be supported by a broadband Internet connection. This means savings in business telephone plans that are usually very expensive.
  • Telephone statistics: The virtual PBX allows us to know how the incoming calls of our business behave. If this data is reviewed with a strategic eye, entrepreneurs will be able to know many things about the behavior of their customers in particular. Undoubtedly, this is an incredible working tool.
  • Add-ons to sell: The best thing about the virtual PBX for businesses is that it has multiple applications that facilitate marketing. The most advanced programs such as Neotel’s have add-ons that go beyond telemarketing.

Neotel has a very complete virtual switchboard

It is important to understand that each virtual PBX is different and this is not a minor detail. The more advanced and updated the software is, the wider the possibilities will be. At Neotel we have one of the most advanced and stable programs on the market. In this, we guarantee you very useful tools to sell, whether for SMEs, for medium-sized companies or for large corporations.

The debate of virtual or physical PBX is over. Any company can operate with call center software hosted in the cloud, but this option is especially convenient for SMEs. No complex installations, no additional equipment, everything works automatically with a simple Internet connection. If you want to know more about this solution for business communication, contact us soon. At Neotel, we have the best virtual PBX.

Large company? Predictive dialer is the solution

Customer service is often one of the main problems of growing companies. Especially because larger initiatives tend to expect much more. In addition, having a larger number of users means being able to serve them all efficiently. Of course, the virtual PBX provides the business owner with multiple solutions to facilitate business communication. For these cases, the predictive dialer is often the ideal alternative.

predictive dialer

Nowadays call center software has many applications and add-ons. The objective of these programs is to fulfill different functions and guarantee efficiency. It should be noted that achieving a good customer service ensures not only that customers are retained, but also that more of them arrive. The history of today’s large corporations is tied to the guarantee of good service.

Predictive dialer enables efficient care

Medium-sized and large companies have one thing in common, and that is the increase in demand for customer service. Some companies are bottlenecked in their growth process, precisely because they can’t afford to increase their customer service capacity. Unfortunately, hiring too many telemarketers is not always the solution.

In fact, even the largest companies tend to have hiring caps in order for the business to be fully profitable. This implies that, at some point, it will be necessary to find a way to have better customer service with the same number of operators, because the call center is just one of the departments of a company. This is where the predictive dialer can make a difference, even against the competition.

Call launchers are automations that allow a company to improve its efficiency in the outbound calls department. Basically, they allow calls to be launched without relying on telemarketers, boosting work efficiency. In this case, the predictive dialer allows to predict when a telephone agent might be free, to improve response times and the service itself.

What characterizes the predictive marker?

There are businesses in which hundreds or thousands of calls must be made daily to customers. For example, a bank that needs to deliver credit cards to its users illustrates this reality, although there are many other economic activities that require this service. Basically, predictive dialer allows to improve productivity in the call center, when there are very long phone lists or high volume work.

Predictive dialing consists of a system with algorithms that calculate how often a telemarketer will be free to answer a new call. In addition, this system also requires telephone agents to be more efficient, gradually improving the time and number of calls in the outbound department. That is why it is called predictive dialer and its operation is due to artificial intelligence applications.

In the case of a small call center or one that is in its beginnings, it would be best to use a progressive dialer. In other words, progressive dialer and predictive dialer are two dialers alike, but aimed at different purposes or different business realities. The truth is that both will improve the work in the outbound call departments, which is usually aimed at selling, charging or offering. That is why knowing this type of technological solutions is so important, constituting an advantage over the competition.

Neotel: More than call center call software

In order to have solutions such as progressive and predictive dialer, it is best to bet on a virtual PBX that adds them. In this regard, Neotel has a fairly advanced program with built-in add-ons. Many call centers have to install different programs, buy equipment and have a team of computer engineers to make sure everything works perfectly. In contrast, our software has it all in one easy-to-understand interface and requires no installation.

The predictive dialer is just one of the dozens of solutions that our virtual PBX has for business owners. The best thing is that we offer you the cheapest virtual PBX, with the best plans, suitable for the type of investment that each entrepreneur can make. Right now, you can start with the cheapest plan and if you need another complement, you can add it and scale the solutions as the private initiative grows. Those who have questions about the service can contact us directly, through our phone numbers or through our website.

Progressive Dialer: Crucial tool for the call center under construction

At a certain point, business growth implies increasing the number of customer service staff. Precisely, one of the aspects that is most difficult to manage for the managers of an organization is usually the outbound calls department. Controlling effectiveness, maintaining productivity and organizing work can be challenging and inconvenient. However, applications such as the progressive dialer can be of great help.

progressive dialer

Outbound call departments are those used to call customers. In the past, this type of activity depended on telemarketers deciding to do their job consistently and quickly. Today, call center software allows the company to have much more control over this type of work. In this regard, call handlers have a crucial role to play.

What is the progressive dialer?

Call launchers are applications that allow automated calls to be made. That is, instead of operators making the calls, they are dialed by a system. In this way, the productivity and effectiveness of the outbound department no longer depends on the human factor. When automation does this job, there is no way to lower the number of contacts made by the company to customers.

However, these call launchers work on the basis of logarithms and artificial intelligence. In this way, it has been possible to make different types of dialers. The two main ones are progressive and predictive dialers, each one being useful for a different type of work and volume of attention. In the case of new call centers, which are in the process of development, it is appropriate to use the progressive mode.

As its name suggests, the progressive dialer launches calls progressively. It works little by little, because it is oriented to call centers that do not have a very high volume of calls. In fact, for new businesses this is the most suitable option. Similarly, those companies that offer very exclusive services can also opt for this virtual PBX tool for calls. This is the case, for example, of an outbound call department of a very exclusive bank, or of a club.

Advantages of the progressive dialer

The main advantage of using a progressive dialer is that the calls are launched by the system. However, this is not the only thing that this implementation of the webrtc PBX does. In fact, using this call center technology also allows you to filter busy and disconnected numbers. In this way, you can avoid wasting time trying to make contacts that will not be very fruitful.

In addition, the progressive dialer organizes all the work within a small outbound department. This is because the launcher will always take into account how many operators are available. By performing the launch and imposing productivity times, the operators are matched to an appropriate work rhythm, also avoiding lost calls. Of course, all this improves both productivity and the quality of customer service.

It is also estimated that progressive dialers are ideal for improving the conversion of calls into effective customer service or sales. This is so, because the system is made to enhance the longest and most dedicated calls. That is to say, this is the perfect implement to sell or offer via telephone. For example, a company that sells tour packages could benefit from this call center software add-on. It all depends on the type of business and the volume of outbound contacts.

Virtual PBX for calls is necessary

It is important to highlight that tools such as progressive and predictive dialer are part of the call center software, also known as virtual PBX for calls. This is a program that allows to control, unify and technify the telephone communication of companies. Another key function of this program is the migration of the answering service to IP telephony, which is much cheaper. To tell the truth, this is a necessary service in today’s business models.

At Neotel we have one of the most stable, efficient, easy-to-use and cost-effective virtual PBX services on the market. The progressive dialer is just one of the complements offered by this program that professionalizes business communication. Some others are excellent for selling and allow companies to reach the consumer very easily. If you are interested in the benefits of this technology, keep reading our website and contact us.

call center software

Is your company’s call center software of high quality?

Today’s best companies manage their communications through call center software. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about new ventures, medium-sized companies or large corporations, they all follow this trend equally. To tell the truth, having this type of program is a vital issue for the growth and success of any initiative. This is due to the applications and all the control they offer.

call center software

However, in the call center solutions market there is a wide range of programs available. That is to say, it is not only important to have a software of this type, but to have one whose scope and functions are really efficient. Unfortunately, there are many products that fall by the wayside and the lack of knowledge of executives in the technological area can lead to a bad acquisition. For this reason, here are some of the features that a quality call center software should have… Keep reading!

Find a call center software with proven warranties

When purchasing a call center software service, it is important to make sure that you are hiring an experienced company. In fact, there are some companies from different parts of the world entering this market all the time. Some of them are very new, therefore, they might offer programs that are still in a testing period, or that have an incomplete development. In fact, there are cases of technology companies that go into business for a few years and then simply disappear, leaving their customers in the air.

The best call center solutions have more than years, decades in operation. To tell the truth, in the technology business, experience is an important factor, since only in it you can get really proven quality products. In fact, in the companies with more seniority in the field, you can get very good programs at really interesting costs.

For example, Neotel has been offering its service for more than 20 years and this is what has allowed it to develop a program that gets better with time. Of course, seniority is just one of the aspects that should be studied when contracting a call center software in Spain or in any other country.

Do you offer CRM call center? Try it and see

The best virtual PBX software includes the CRM call center module. CRM is a program that contains databases and options for communication between the different departments of the company. In other words, it is a step beyond the typical system that service companies usually have. In fact, this complement in itself is often central to boosting sales and the day-to-day growth of any business. In fact, you could call this telemarketing software.

Unfortunately, many call center software only offer the virtual PBX without this application. This will mean that, over time, the owner of the contracting company will have to look for this type of program separately. In addition to this, it is always essential to test this and other call center tools, which are vital for customer service, marketing and sales management. In general, CRM should be easy to use and interactive.

The best call center software has many features

The best virtual PBXs also offer entrepreneurs various useful applications for communication. In other words, apart from communication control and the possibility of using IP telephony, the best programs of this type provide a large number of call center solutions. The more tools and automation, the better things can work.

Call robot, call launchers, bulk SMS sending platform are some of these add-ons. All of them represent a great advantage when it comes to serving, selling or even charging our customers. The more callcenter tools the company offers as add-ons, the better the proposal will be. The goal is to have the greatest number of technological solutions for simplification and work efficiency.

Do you know the definition of virtual PBX?

If you still do not know what a call center software or virtual switchboard is, it is basically a program that allows you to manage all the communications of a company. To do this, they are migrated to IP telephony, which allows to support both telephone calls and all communication through a broadband connection. By having this type of program, you can control the work of telemarketers and have at your disposal an endless number of tools for the job.

At Neotel we have one of the best call center software prices, with proven experience and a good package of complementary applications. Once you try it you will see how necessary and functional it is. And you… Do you have an enterprise? Do you want to make the leap in business quality? Contact us.

Progressive dialer: Call your customers and speed up your commercial activity

Today’s businesses must have call centers to keep in touch with consumers. It is also important to have a group of telemarketers who make outgoing calls. The latter is useful for telemarketing, but also for dealing with certain commercial activity and collection tasks. Companies that are just starting their call center will find a great ally in the progressive dialer.

Companies that offer services usually need this type of department even more. It should be noted that, in principle, a large call center room is not necessary. By hiring a virtual switchboard, a very efficient and integrated service can be generated.

Progressive scoreboard: What is it about?

progressive dialer

Businesses that work with outbound call departments understand that maintaining a high contact flow is important. The higher the call volume, the higher the chances of achieving the stated objectives. This is a maxim of this type of call center. Unfortunately, leaving the action of calling up to human beings is often a problem to maintain high productivity in this type of campaign.

To avoid this, call launchers, automated systems that perform the task of calling intelligently, were created. By incorporating them, the human operator is simply in charge of talking to the customers, in case they answer the business call. Precisely, the progressive dialer is a launcher characterized by the progressive dialing of calls.

It should be noted that this type of dialer is ideal for small companies or those with a small call volume. By having not so large contact lists or small campaigns, progressive dialers allow you to get the job done with the necessary efficiency. Undoubtedly, this is the best way to start building call center departments.

There are several types of dialing in a call center

The progressive dialer is just one of the types of call center dialing that exist. For example, call centers of large companies usually use the predictive dialer. This has a much more complex system that allows to predict when an operator is free to answer a call launched from the company itself. Its job is to make the outbound department more efficient every day.

Predictive campaigns work best when the volume of work is large. Typically, this type of campaign is broad and has much more ambitious goals. For example, a bank or an insurance agency is likely to use this type of marker and not the progressive one. In fact, a progressive call center dialer would not be able to adequately handle the volume of a large company, which needs to make many calls per day.

The progressive and predictive dialer must therefore be geared for different types of companies. Otherwise, it is very likely that the dialer will not be able to increase productivity in outbound calls, but quite the opposite. Therefore, it is important to know a little about these tools that are part of the virtual PBX service.

Call center call software: a solution for entrepreneurs

The virtual switchboard service is not only for companies that have a fully constituted call center. In fact, any type of company, regardless of its size, can take advantage of the benefits of this program. A small family business, with two people in charge of attending to customers could use some of the functions of this software and boost its business.

The virtual switchboard is known as call center software. However, you do not need to have such a department to use it. Tools such as the progressive dialer make it an attractive bet for telemarketing. But, just as this module exists, this type of programs also include others of great utility to increase the visualization of any type of enterprise. Call launchers are just a taste of all the qualities of this application.

At Neotel we have the best virtual switchboard service on the market. Our software is advanced, easy to use, innovative and incorporates luxury add-ons. In addition, we offer plans so that any entrepreneur can count on this useful tool. We have 20 years of experience in this business, which makes our program a safe bet… Contact us!

WebRTC line: browser-based communication is the future

The call centers of the past worked only with traditional telephone calls. Today’s call centers incorporate new forms of communication that are much more innovative, complete and in real time. Behind all this approaching future is the WebRTC line.

Certainly, communications seek to establish more vivid, closer and quality interactions every day. This is only possible with the WebRTC line, which implements the Internet as a mechanism for enhanced communication. Part of this can be seen in social networks, but companies can also have their own digital tools to get closer to their customers.

webrtc line

An approach to the WebRTC Line

The WebRTC line is a type of technology and a technological support that facilitated the creation of communication apps in web environments. It is thanks to this system that, for example, people today have a section for exchanging direct messages, making video calls and more on their social network accounts. Likewise, this is what made possible the creation of web pages oriented to videoconferencing.

All applications that allow us to chat with other people are based on the WebRTC Line. Now, from the virtual switchboard that companies like Neotel offer, entrepreneurs can have their own digital environment to communicate with their customers. This is important, because it brings seriousness and formality to companies.

A company that communicates and sells through social networks is not as reliable. In fact, negotiating through these media usually involves some stress and distrust at the beginning, for many consumers. On the contrary, having a line for calls by navigation and own environments for chat and video calls is synonymous with professionalism. Of course, most people want to feel that they are dealing with professional companies.

 What is the virtual PBX?

If you were wondering what a virtual PBX is, it is basically a business communications management system. This program allows, for example, to unify different terminals under a single number, which is what happens in a call center. Nowadays, there is no need for large installations or equipment for several operators to attend a company’s customers. With this type of software, it is more than enough.

With this type of call center software you can monitor communications and know how is the flow of calls to the company. Likewise, the work of the operators in charge of customer service and telemarketing can be supervised. The functions and opportunities generated by this program are innumerable.

Today, the virtual PBX is more than just a call center software. In fact, this program comes with special modules for marketing, involving the use of text messaging, web pages and other automated systems that facilitate communication and sales. Interfaces such as Neotel’s integrate many applications that are both effective and easy to use.

How will the company of the future communicate?

Right now, companies are experiencing a change in their communication approach. Until a few years ago, calling the call center was the way for customers to raise their problems and requests. Similarly, many businesses used telemarketing calls to promote the purchase of their products and services. Today, more modern companies are beginning to offer higher quality communication.

For example, some of the most revolutionary companies are now serving their customers through video calls. In this way, they offer greater proximity to the user and, of course, much more fruitful and simple dialogues. It is not the same to explain to the customer how to repair something by means of a phone call, as it is to do it in a didactic way by means of a real-time video call.

The companies of the future will be much closer to their customers. Telemarketers will have to engage in much warmer, more assertive conversations that evoke the company’s values. Precisely the resources of the WebRTC line will be needed to do this with the level of professionalism required.

At Neotel we offer you the WebRTC Line service.

Having a WebRTC line is basically having a telephone line that works over the Internet. Likewise, it implies having virtual environments suitable for business communication. To obtain this, you only need to acquire our virtual switchboard service, a call center software with really useful tools. If you are interested, contact us and enjoy all our technological solutions.

The potential of 900 lines for the entrepreneur

Many well-known companies are characterized by contracting a 900 line to offer their customers free of charge. Contracting this type of telephone service is not a coincidence, nor is it an act of social responsibility on the part of the companies. In fact, and although it may seem otherwise, offering a free call service is more profitable than many entrepreneurs think. Undoubtedly, this can be a crucial element for business growth.

900 lines are much more than just offering a toll-free number. However, in order for them to generate the expected benefits, they must always be complemented with advertising actions and be used intelligently.

900 Lines: What is your secret?

In principle, 900 lines are those that allow customers to call a company and yet the call is free of charge for them. This implies that the contracting company is responsible for the telephony charges generated by the clientele. It may seem that this cost is very high, but in reality it is usually borne by most companies.

Service Numbers 900 Companies Lines 900 Numbers Nine hundred, for businesses and companies

Contracting a 900 line is usually profitable because the expense in telephone consumption is always comparable to the monetary income of the company. For example, a large company usually has a lot of calls and this must mean that its structure can support the contracting and implementation of this type of free telephone service. In the case of medium-sized or growing companies, the flow of calls will probably be lower, but enough to support this service.

In addition, contracting this type of service is usually very economical. For example, at Neotel, the installation, implementation and line maintenance costs only 5 euros. Then, the amount of the invoices will depend on the number of minutes accumulated for all the calls received. In general, the cost per minute is usually relatively low. However, the important thing about 900 lines is that they can generate profits.

Contracting a 900 line generates more commercial opportunities

Certainly, companies must assume certain costs for implementing 900 lines. But this must always be contrasted with the benefits that companies usually receive thanks to the free service. In principle, users and consumers are often inclined to hire companies that have free customer services.

As a result, customers are more likely to call companies with 900 lines for questions and approaches. In other words, entrepreneurs or companies that implement this type of line enjoy a clear advantage over their competitors.

The proof of this can be seen in high-impact companies such as banks and insurance companies. In general, these used to gain competitive advantages by implementing toll-free 900 lines for their clientele. Nowadays, laws in Spain require all basic service companies to have this type of free service, but this was not always the case. At some point, this served to compete and generate commercial opportunities.

The direct consequence is more customers

The more business opportunities open up, the more likely it is that more sales and customers will be closed. In this sense, a marketing maxim is the fact that greater communication and presence on the part of companies is fundamental to generate such opportunities. Precisely, contracting a 900 line allows a greater number of potential customers to communicate with the company and purchase products and services.

Basically, contracting a 900 line is a sales opener in itself. The fact that it is free of charge encourages users to communicate and is also a guarantee of availability and good service. Companies that use this type of telephone lines report a rapid increase in the acquisition of new customers.

Of course, requesting a 900 number alone will not make all the sales, or at least not at first. What is important to highlight is that this type of lines are part of the set of advertising actions necessary to promote a business. This is another advantage of contracting this type of free telephone service for customers.

The 900 line is an advertisement in itself

What 900 lines do do by themselves is to be an infallible advertising resource for any company. In addition to the free service, which also has an advertising purpose, the use of the prefix and the telephone number as a tool to identify the company is added.

Many companies manage to reach the public of a country, even at a national level, thanks to the fact of contracting a 900 line. There are even those who end up knowing a company thanks to some advertising piece with the 900 telephone number.

In addition, it is necessary to think very well about the telephone number with which we are going to request a 900 number. This can be crucial to support advertising and for people to learn it. A vital part of contracting this service is having the option to choose the desired numbering.

Some recommendations to get the most out of 900 lines

Contracting 900 lines can be very effective for companies. But to get the most out of them, they must be implemented strategically. Only a good advertising campaign will allow this communication resource to become an element of the brand. Here are some suggestions:

Have quality telephone agents: There is no point in guaranteeing free customer service if it is of poor quality. Good treatment, fast procedures and ease of communication are good signals to customers. In this sense, managing the call center with a software call center is the best solution. It allows you to monitor the work of the agents and make strategies to offer efficient services.
Choose a good 900 number: The most successful companies choose a number that is catchy or easy to learn. For example, you can try to place the name of the company with the numeric keypad. This way, people will not have to learn numbers, but a phrase. Remember that the numeric keypad is equivalent to a few words.
Have good advertising pieces: hiring a 900 line requires some investment in advertising pieces. It does not matter if they are published on television, radio or social networks. What is crucial is that the advertisement is of quality, well thought out and that it also discloses the company’s toll-free number.
Remind your customers of the number: It is very positive that the company discloses its toll-free number in every possible space. Websites, digital media articles, social networks and any other type of official communication. If, for example, you have a massive SMS platform, robot call or outbound call department, it is always good to repeat the 900 number. Some of these tools come with Neotel’s call center software.

In conclusion, requesting 900 number is very effective to achieve a higher revenue stream, as well as to popularize your venture. Of course, it is important to strengthen this communication solution with other actions. Good advertising campaigns and optimizing the performance of the customer service center with a virtual switchboard are priority issues. At Neotel we offer the best virtual pbx and also the best prices to hire a 900 number.

Incoming call statistics: Learn more about your business with them

A company’s telephone communications are more important than they seem. They hold fundamental keys to the business and customers. For this reason, many companies migrate to IP telephony and buy a virtual PBX. This is a program that allows to control all communication and this happens mainly thanks to the statistics of incoming calls.

The virtual PBX unifies the call flow and makes it analyzable. Where one trader sees a simple count of incoming calls, others see strategies, work organization and greater availability for sales. Of course, it is essential to translate the statistics in favor of the business and turn the information into benefits.

The potential of inbound call statistics


incoming call statistics

The inbound call statistics module is a set of data on the behavior of telephone communication in the company. In general, these are focused on incoming calls, although the system allows you to see the behavior of contacts leaving the company, i.e. telemarketing.

In fact, the analysis of the flow of incoming calls is the one that can give us the most clues when it comes to improving a business. This is so, because it is in the call center or in this type of contacts where some customer patterns can be verified, which are, after all, the consumers. Of course, having information about those who consume is probably the most important thing for any company.

Perhaps the data from inbound call statistics cannot be used to develop fancy commercial strategies. However, it is possible to know a lot of things that allow to give some technical touches to the management of the enterprise. It does not matter if it is large or small.

Knowing the call flow

Broadly speaking, what can be seen in the inbound call statistics is how the call flow occurs. In fact, this can be observed in detail. For example, this module allows you to see how many telephone conversations occur per hour. But, in addition, you can also see how many calls are not answered.

Better yet, you can look at the data for one month and compare it with another. Also, an entrepreneur could know at what time and on what days of the week there are more calls from potential customers. Having this data is important, because it tells the entrepreneur when to be more attentive to his phone. If he is much more detailed and strategic, he could contrast this with the number of sales he registers.

The fact is that knowing the flow of calls says a lot about one’s business and also about the customers around him. By not knowing this information, it is natural to make mistakes such as not being available at certain times when the most customers call. With a simple telephone line, it is not possible to know how many people are contacting the company while another call is in progress. But with call center software, you can know exactly how many customers are calling.

Know the real reach of your company

Knowing the statistics of incoming calls allows you to have some idea of how many customers are interested in your product. For example, if you know the number of people calling in a month, you can establish what impact your business is having. It also gives an idea of how well Internet marketing campaigns and other marketing efforts are working.

In general, these are aspects in which entrepreneurs are often lost. We could understand these statistics as something similar to social media metrics, but related to phone calls. This is a great data, because in a social network there may be many people who only enter out of curiosity. But when we talk about the phone, who contacts are people who at least have interest in the product being offered.

If you compare the statistics of one month with respect to the other, it is feasible to analyze whether the marketing campaigns are working properly. Having information when selling something is fundamental and this is an invaluable source of data. The best thing is that it allows you to organize your work to obtain more revenue.

Inbound call statistics: organizing your work

One of the greatest benefits of inbound call statistics is that they allow you to make necessary changes in customer service. For example, if a company receives more calls in the midday hours, when the managers take their break, it is possible to make some change to attend all the flow that occurs at that time. This can only be understood when this module is verified.

Knowing when and how calls occur makes it possible to adapt the work to improve service. It should be noted that improving the telephone service of any type of business results in better perception and, of course, more sales. This is the best way to turn customers into brand multipliers.

In fact, this is the way the call centers of the largest companies in the world work. Knowing the inbound call statistics of a growing business could also indicate the need to hire someone to handle orders or customers. The idea is to be able to meet demand to maximize profits.

Missed calls: A valuable piece of information

The inbound call statistics module of the virtual PBX not only lets you know how many actual inbound calls are recorded. Probably, some of the most important data of this tool are those that account for the number of unsuccessful calls. We are referring to missed calls.

Missed calls are those that the customer abandons before contacting the company. When these are many, a structural problem of customer service is evident. It doesn’t matter if they occur because the lines are busy, or for any other reason: they are always a bad reference for any commercial activity.

If a company registers a lot of missed calls, there is something wrong with telephone communication. This is tantamount to being unavailable, which is one of the things business owners should avoid projecting. It’s not just with service providers and should also be considered by online businesses. The good news is that knowing this information allows you to make the necessary adjustments.

Queued calls: they count too

Queued calls are those that come in through the IVR but are not yet answered. These usually occur because all call center agents are busy serving other customers. The problem with these is that they tend to become lost contacts.

Likewise, knowing this information allows the company to adapt its work to provide better customer service. The virtual PBX has the ability to display this information in real time, which is a great advantage. If a business has a queue of calls, the right thing to do is to adapt their work to prevent this from happening. One way to do this is to have more telemarketers on call during «peak hours», i.e. when customers call the most.

The best thing about hiring a call center software is that it allows companies to have an IVR. This automated system that greets customers, asks them for data and leads them through the menu of options saves time. In this way, the customer has an incentive to stay on the call, while the operators attend to previous calls. In other words, a business can improve its customer service just by purchasing a virtual PBX.

Other features of the virtual PBX

Incoming call statistics allow you to explore details about the service you offer from your business. However, this module is just one of the most basic of the virtual PBX. In reality, this program has countless telephone solutions for businessmen and entrepreneurs, such as:

Call Launchers: these are ideal for increasing productivity in outbound calling departments. If a business needs to be provided in a more direct way, these systems allow for automated options.
IVR: Interactive Voice Response is the system we usually interact with when calling any call center. It fulfills many functions and also guarantees spaces for the dissemination of advertising and telemarketing surveys to each customer who calls the company.
Call recorder: The call recorder allows to keep a record of all commercial conversations that occur in the company. This is useful to know the quality of the attention offered by the telephone operators. At the same time, this tool guarantees compliance with certain legal requirements regarding data and consumer protection.

At Neotel we have one of the most innovative virtual switchboards in Spain and Latin America. Its cost is very cheap, it does not involve complicated installations or the purchase of additional equipment. We have the most competitive prices in the market and the most updated features to make your company, the one that best communicates with its customers.

Telemarketing surveys: an option for making business decisions

All businesses, regardless of their service, require something very important to function: information. In fact, the moment of creation of an enterprise occurs when we find problems that we can solve for a clientele and that can only be known by obtaining data. Unfortunately, many companies do not have reliable sources of information and that is one of the factors that motivate their decline. Fortunately, the telemarketing surveys of the virtual switchboard make it possible to obtain it.

Information is power, but obtaining it when running a business is not so easy. This happens because of multiple problems such as lack of communication with the outside world, advertising difficulties and, most importantly, the lack of reliable data sources. In truth, surveys are probably the best way to obtain these necessary inputs for business growth.

Theory: Why is information so important?


telemarketing surveys

The problem with many merchants is that they believe that, just because they have a product, they will sell and make a good profit. Unfortunately, offering something is not enough to have a prosperous business of your own. A child can go to the beach, fill his bucket with many grains of sand and sell it without success. That is so, even understanding that sand is the second most demanded natural resource.

An enterprise has the mission of solving a problem for a set of customers. For the same reason, first you must know what are the problems of the niche to which the entrepreneur directs his product or service. But this is not the only thing that an entrepreneur must know: in fact, here only begins a long chain of research on how to solve those problems that the consumer has, in what form, with what aesthetics, at what price, how often, etc.

All this requires information, and as needs change, this information must flow constantly. That is why knowing preferences is one of the biggest headaches for all companies. It is in this data where commercial strategies are found, which are, at the end of the day, the most important within a company.

Telemarketing Surveys Why are they so important?

In principle, surveys have long been the best way for companies to obtain information. In the past, it was very common to go to shopping malls and stores to consult consumers directly. In fact, free food samples are often not only a product presentation, but also a way to get feedback from customers.

In fact, the survey is one of the most methodical, effective and legitimate ways to obtain information. Indeed, much academic research in the social sciences is based on the development of survey forms. In other words, surveys are the correct method for collecting important data.

Of course, telemarketing surveys can fulfill this function with effectiveness and validity. Basically, they are constructed in the same way as an academic survey or any other type of survey. Unfortunately, even many companies that have call center software do not take advantage of this useful module. In some cases, because their programs are outdated and do not have it. In other cases, because even if they do have it, their managers are unaware of the magnitude of making inquiries in this way.

Telemarketing surveys: How do they work?

Telemarketing surveys are a functionality of the virtual PBX. That is to say, in order to be able to be executed as they are, automated and systematic, the company or entrepreneur must have this type of program. In almost all these call center software, the questions are usually programmed as part of the IVR, or Interactive Voice Response.

The IVR is the system that greets us when we call a call center. It is also the one that asks for our personal data and leads us through the menu of options when we call. In addition to these basic functions, this system can also incorporate recordings and, of course, interactive recordings, which are telemarketing surveys.

Remember that the IVR is made to interact on the basis of a menu of options that are dialed on the numeric keypad. Similarly, this system allows to place recorded questions for customers to answer from the keys of the local or cell phone. This is how a company can make quick queries to its clientele.

Ask any question with telemarketing surveys

Through telemarketing surveys, customers can be asked practically anything. This is because there are many types of surveys and because the numeric keypad is large enough to provide several possible options for answering. The best part is that the answers are always reduced to simple choices and can still provide the kind of information that start-ups and established companies require.

A scenario in which companies require elaborate or lengthy responses from customers is highly unlikely. In reality, the information that a company values is that which accounts for preferences and inclinations. Companies need quality, relevant information and not just any information, or one that is very difficult to systematize.

Beyond this, telemarketing surveys can tell us which are the products most preferred or purchased by users, or what kind of new proposal they would prefer. It is also possible to consult how the customer’s experience with the company has been, to evaluate the customer service or simply to consult about what the company needs to be better. The good thing about this module is that you can achieve a very broad universe of respondents in each company and that is always desirable.

Telemarketing surveys ensure good quality of information

The information necessary for a company to make good business decisions has particular characteristics. The good news is that the telemarketing survey module ensures exactly the type of data that is required by the enterprises:

Relevant information: Not just any type of information is important to businesses. In fact, one of the business problems is that a lot of data can be perceived, but not all of it will be useful. Telemarketing surveys allow entrepreneurs to ask customers precise questions to find out just what they want to know.
Speed of delivery: Businesses require a lot of up-to-date information that arrives quickly. This is the only way to compete and stay ahead of competitors. By having telemarketing surveys activated, companies ensure a constant and fast flow of information. Surveys can always be set up instantly.
Cost-effective collection: For companies, information collection must be cost-effective in order to be profitable. Precisely, telemarketing surveys are economical and are part of the call center software. In Neotel’s case, they do not have an additional cost and are included in the virtual PBX package.

It should be noted that the surveys made by phone call have a positive degree of reliability. This is because they are done by the company itself, in an environment in which the interested parties participate. Above all, in the case of services, this is a point in favor.

What is the best virtual PBX?

Since telemarketing surveys are part of the virtual PBX, it is important to understand what this program is all about. The virtual PBX is a service that allows to manage and unify business telephone communications, as well as the migration to the economic IP telephony. In addition to this, nowadays this application is more than a call center software, it is an assistant for marketing and customer service.

Of course, it is important to hire a service that provides quality and functionality to the enterprise. Not all virtual switchboards are the same, as some are more innovative, advanced or functional than others. At Neotel we have optimized, guaranteed and updated software. Our product is inspired by the successful functionalities of always, but also incorporates some new features that are to the liking of our contractors.

When choosing the best virtual PBX, it is important to consider many elements. The most important are the stable operation of the program, the company’s experience, its capacity for innovation and also the fact that it has a simple, easy-to-use interface and intuitive processes.

Virtual PBX brings advantages for any type of enterprise

Telemarketing surveys are just a very useful module of the virtual switchboard. In fact, this program has many other applications and functions that can help businesses to grow. Both start-ups and large companies benefit from all the solutions provided by this communication tool.

The best thing is that at Neotel we offer different plans and costs so that all entrepreneurs, businessmen and traders can access the application. Undoubtedly, this is an investment that will improve customer relations, marketing effectiveness and obtaining quality information through telemarketing surveys.