progressive dialer
progressive dialer

System that automatically makes outgoing calls and transfers the calls answered to the agents.

This type of dialing launches calls when an agent is available, being less aggressive than a predictive one with its contacts but at the same time has all the advantages of the detection of busy lines.

Progressive dialers are often very suitable for Centers with low or moderate volume calls, where they would not be able to gather enough information to reach reliable statistics.

Like Predictive dialers, Progressive dialers are able to detect all kinds of events during calls, until you find a client available and able to be communicated with our Agent.

In the progressive mode, the agent does not intervene in the dialing of the calls since these are done automatically, but the difference is that when the consumer answers, the agent will always be online. If the system is well programmed and planned, it can be very productive and efficient, obtaining good results, because it allows to discriminate the types of answer of the call, for example faxes, voice mailboxes, numbers that do not exist, etc. In addition, the talk time of each operator is less so the stress level is also lower, making management more effective. The progressive mode is ideal for telephone sales campaigns, so it is the most used in these cases.

The progressive dialer is an automatic call launcher in a sequential manner; Ie performs the tagging and is directly addressed to the agent.


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