Let us advise and tell us what your business is. We’ll do the rest.

Includes all the features you need

Our IP PBX includes all the functions you can imagine: voiceovers, options menu, wait queues with music or call recording.

Customize your IP PBX

Your IP PBX adapts to all the needs that your business may have. Take advantage!


Answer calls on your WebRTC lines

You can also receive mobile and landline calls
Make outgoing calls at the best price

Neotel offers you the most competitive price to make outgoing calls from your IP PBX.

Neotel puts extensions to your IP PBX

The calls you receive in your IP PBX can be answered on IP lines that you can contract directly with Neotel. Discover more about our IP phone lines.

Although you may need a new number

If you do not mind changing the number or you are setting up a new business, we will give you a new phone number. Choose the prefix of your province or even international numbers. This number will become the head of your IP PBX.

Do you want to keep your contact phone? We carry it

If you already have a fixed number that all your clients and contacts know and do not want to lose, we will take it to Neotel and convert it into the main IP PBX number. As always, no one will notice the difference!


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