premium virtual call recorder
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  1. All outgoing and incoming calls from your PBX, stored in the Neotel cloud, and accessible by you from the Web panel created specifically for it.
  2. Keep your telephone conversations for 2 years. And up to 1TB of memory.

All the calls: The user of the service can request that all the calls that are received in his line are recorded, or if he has a switchboard the ones that are emitted also, so that he can record both the received and the emitted ones.

This Premium Virtual Call Recorder service has no permanence of any kind.

With our service, you will be able to listen to or download all the calls you have recorded, and you will be able to do it directly from a Web page created specifically for the user, where the user is able to search among the recordings, filter by dates, extensions, etc.

The Premium Call Virtual Recorder service allows you to store to optimize the telephone attention of your company/business, as it allows you to record all calls, storing conversations and being able to access them at any time.


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