In Neotel you will find the best offers of Voice and Data Rates. Do you still have doubts about which rate to choose? Call us on 900696707 and we will advise you to contract the best rate for your mobile.
How to save on your mobile rate or choose the best Voice and Data rate for your Smartphone?
Take advantage of Neotel’s Mobile Rate
The best mobile rates at the lowest price.
We advise you on which plan of Voz+Datos to contract
No permanence
If you come with one of our Neotel Mobile Rates you will not have permanence.
Unlimited calling rates.
Cheaper calls
With our mobile rates, choose the data you want to spend, you have smartphone rates of 9GB, 20GB and 25GB.
Choose the gigas you want.
Our mobile rates are the cheapest for talking and sailing
Rates to call and navigate. Discover the new mobile offers. You will also be able to take advantage of all our offers and promotions, if you contract any of our rates now, or if you are already a customer.