
Personalize the ivr with a professional voice-over service

A company’s call center is a fundamental part of its advertising image. When a customer calls, he/she is met with sounds, messages and voices that eventually identify the company. Firms that manage to turn these elements into a brand usually resort to a professional voice-over service.

The IVR is the system that interacts with the customer when calling a company. This is the voice we all hear when we call a bank and ask for our ID. This automated module is the same one that leads the user through the options they have to channel their call. The fact is that this can be enhanced to build the company’s image.

The ivr as a brand element

The ivr is what all customers come in contact with when they call the call center. Many companies make sure to set it up well so that the customer can easily handle their requests and complaints. However, many times they forget to customize the voice over of this system.

It is important to note that ivr is an automated customer interaction system. In other words, its function is not only to indicate which numbers a user should press to communicate with each department. In fact, the nature of this system is to get in touch with the clientele.

The most prestigious companies customize their ivr by using a professional voice mail service. In this way, they make their interactive voice response system part of their branding and advertising efforts. In this way, the message can be much warmer, friendlier and have characteristics that the company wishes to project.

Professional voice-over services

One of the most effective strategies is to use an operator with a female voice. The aim is to project to the customer the willingness to be served with kindness, affection and companionship. The way in which the speech is configured is fundamental to generate a good impression on users.

Another important contribution of the professional voice-over service is that it allows recordings to be made in other languages. This is essential for companies all over the world. In every country there are always users who only speak languages other than the local one. The service is facilitated and the image projected by the company to the outside world is strengthened.

Professional voice-over services can become a differentiating element in the long run. It is important to personalize the voiceover voice of the ivr in order to make a difference with respect to the competition. Hence, this element of the call center software can be understood as an advertising tool.

Ivr and professional voice-over services

Neotel offers both the installation of the ivr and the professional voice-over service to customize it. Both services can complement the virtual PBX contract. Companies can also order these modules separately. The voices are 100% human and each phrase is recorded in detail to be heard as desired by the contracting company.