Mobile PBX: the call center on your smartphone

A great advantage of today’s call center software is that it can be used on any device with an Internet connection. However, in order to use the virtual PBX on a smartphone with all its functions, a complementary application must be used. This is the virtual PBX and is equivalent to being able to call and receive calls as if we were in the contact center.

In call center departments, the management software allows you to transfer, mute, put on hold and retrieve calls. Not to mention the fact that this software allows you to connect each extension, record each call and monitor. It may seem impossible to have these features while away from the office. However, technology has advanced and offers quite complete solutions.

From physical to virtual PBX


virtual pbx on your smartphone

Many companies even today continue to maintain large call center rooms with servers, data centers and other equipment. In fact, maintaining the physical PBX is extremely costly. Not to mention that work dynamics and guidelines are often very limited in these environments.

New technologies such as the WebRTC Line and cloud hosting made it possible to overcome this work scheme. Thus, the virtual PBX was born and with it, the possibility of managing business communication over the Internet. In this way, customer service and telemarketing applications left the office, reducing costs.

It is estimated that companies save up to 80% of the budget allocated to communications thanks to virtual PBXs. The dilemma of the physical or virtual PBX is practically set aside when this reality is understood. This brings us to the mobile PBX, one of those technological implements that make business communication much more expeditious and versatile.

What is a mobile PBX?

The PBX hosted in the cloud can be used on any device. However, smartphones do not have call center functions. In other words, the cell phone alone cannot transfer calls, mute calls, or put them on hold.

Because of this, a complementary module was created that allows the use of these call center functionalities on the cell phone. Precisely, this mechanism is called mobile PBX. In this way, the operator can use his smartphone and operate as if he were in his contact center.

With the mobile PBX, incoming business calls are forwarded to the teleoperator’s smartphone. The latter will not only be able to manage them, but will also have all the necessary functionalities to do so in a professional manner. From this mechanism, it is possible to have several operators working with cell phones from anywhere in the world.

What are the functions to manage calls?

Business telephony differs from business telephony because of the callcenter tools used by the latter. These functions are quite basic, but they have been proven to improve the quality of service, the camaraderie with the customer and the effectiveness of the operator in his work. Below, you will see which are the most important ones.

Put the customer on hold: This function is used when the operator is running his management and tells the customer something like «we are checking, stay on the line». Its use is vital because it allows the worker to review the information, manage and resolve the user’s problem.

Retrieve call: This option allows the operator to return to active communication with the customer after the agent has placed the call on hold.

Mute the call: Unlike placing the call on hold, muting the call involves cutting off the audio emission by the operator without the customer noticing it. In this way, the operator can still listen to the customer and talk to his supervisor or ask for help.

Transfer: Occasionally, customers choose options in the IVR incorrectly and this leads them to communicate with the wrong operator. With the transfer feature, the agent can forward the call to the correct department. This saves users the hassle of having to call again.

Reject the call: The operator can reject a call if he already knows that the call is directed to another department, or in other specific situations. In this way, he/she can leave the line open to other calls that correspond to the tasks he/she performs.

The mobile PBX provides versatility

The mobile PBX is a tool that promotes productivity in telephone management. Companies that implement them have much more versatile work dynamics, being able to adapt to different scenarios. For example, it is known that companies with this service have been able to perform their customer service tasks better in the midst of the COVID 19 pandemic.

The mobile PBX allows telephone operators to manage their business from anywhere. It doesn’t matter whether they are at home, away from the office or even in another country. This is important because it broadens the range of prospects that companies have when hiring employees. With this application, being in person is a thing of the past.

Call centers that implement the mobile switchboard can control people from abroad. In this way, they can get better qualified professionals or those who offer their services for less money. This is a technological solution that updates business management to current dynamics such as the freelance labor market.

Mobile PBX: maintaining quality and reliability

The mobile switchboard goes beyond enabling telephone answering from a smartphone and outside the office. In fact, one of its fundamental tasks is to maintain high quality standards in management. Its functionalities make the difference between a call to a private individual and a business call.

It is estimated that more than 60% of customers prefer business phone support. In fact, calls still play a key role in people’s interaction with companies. Part of this confidence is due to the parliaments and tools of call center management.

The functions of the mobile PBX make it possible to maintain formality in business calls. When users realize that the agent can transfer or place the call on hold, they understand that they are communicating with a company. In other words, these resources automatically improve the customer’s perception.

It makes little difference whether the operator is at home or abroad. The features of the mobile PBX formalize communication and evoke the institutionality of the business. People who have online stores can use these features to give more formality to their business. It is not the same to call an individual’s phone number as it is to call a business number.

The mobile switchboard brings businesses up to date

The massive use of the Internet has generated great changes in the way work is conceived. Staying in the office is no longer a mandatory requirement for business work. Today, many jobs are performed remotely and achieve better productivity rates.

The mobile PBX has gained importance in the midst of difficult circumstances such as COVID 19. However, this application allows companies to participate in today’s work dynamics. This is a necessary upgrade and one that opens the door to the future.

It also allows employees to enjoy a different type of work dynamic without lowering their productivity. To be sure, the mobile PBX is a resource that can be put to good use. It all depends on the circumstances, the vision of the entrepreneur and the business activity being carried out.

The best mobile PBXs are practical, intuitive and easy to use. They do not require complicated installations and have all the necessary functions for telephone management.

What is Neotel’s mobile PBX like?

Neotel’s mobile PBX is one of the most modern and functional on the market. It is complementary to the virtual switchboard service. Entrepreneurs who contract our call center software can enjoy this additional service at no additional cost.

Our mobile PBX does not require the installation of software or changes in the SIM card. In the case of Neotel, the operator’s number is linked to your extension. The person will continue to use his telephone company to enjoy the module once the linking is done.

To activate each of its functions during calls, the operator must dial some very simple codes. This is done using the numeric keypad of the cell phone.  The system works very quickly and is very easy to use.

The mobile PBX is one of those callcenter tools that can generate a wide range of possibilities. Its use makes it possible to humanize the work of the telephone agent while preserving the company’s prestige. From this complement, the management can be done from anywhere just by using the Smartphone. It is basically like having all the features of the call center software on the cell phone.