5 types of campaigns that can be carried out using robot calls

Business growth has a lot to do with the ability of companies to be always present. This, in turn, implies covering every available communication channel so that consumers remember the company. Many entrepreneurs still do not understand this and that is why they build their commercial proposals solely on the basis of social networks. To tell the truth, resources such as the robot call can contribute to make the big commercial leap.

Not all entrepreneurs are familiar with the use of this application. However, it is part of our lives and from time to time we come into contact with it, as consumers. Now, what is the robot call? And more importantly… How can it be used to amplify a company’s presence?

What is the robot call?

robot call

The robot call is an application that allows to make calls in which a voice message is launched. In other words, instead of talking to a telephone operator, the receiver of the call listens to a recording. The word «robot» is used because the speech is programmed and executed by a robotic operator.

The robot call is part of the everyday life of Smartphone users, even if they are often unaware of it. When the telephone operator launches a call and indicates the date and amount of billing for the month, we are in the presence of applications of this type. In the same way, this happens with other service companies and can even be implemented with other types of businesses.

Many merchants prefer to use social network messaging services, but it is possible to exploit the robot call also in those cases. Basically, this is an automated tool that allows the entrepreneur to extend any kind of advertising or informational message. That is why, as a business communication tool, it can be used in different types of campaigns.

How does the robot call work?

There are many robot call programs or modules, with different capabilities and interfaces. The essence is to have a space where the messages and the list of telephone numbers to which the calls will be directed can be programmed. Both things are configured to be able to send massive voice calls.

In this sense, the call robot is basically a call launcher. Only, instead of being answered by an operator, the message will be voiced by a machine. To place the advertising message that the entrepreneur wants to give to his audience or clientele, he will simply write it and the robot will repeat it.

When the robot call is used, a large number of calls are launched simultaneously. Everything will depend on the limits of each application and, of course, on the number of telephone numbers to which each call will be dialed. The difficulty in using the program depends on the interface, although Neotel has one of the simplest and most intuitive on the market.

Now many may ask themselves the following question: What kind of message or advertising campaign can I make with this tool? Here are some examples.

5.- Collection campaign: the most popular one

It is very easy to remember the robot call thanks to the service companies that make billing reminder calls. The big telephone companies usually use a quite advanced type of automated robo-call that allows to indicate to the customer the amount to be paid in the month, as well as the deadline to do it, or cut-off date.

Of course, this is still an application of automated call launchers that usually favors service companies. However, it is not only banks and telephone companies that offer this type of product. For example, a karate teacher, a gym owner, or an academic who gives virtual classes, can take advantage of this resource to show sophistication.

Promotion of a new product

Many stores don’t know how to promote their new products and are left with the typical publications in social networks. With Robot Call, customers can be alerted about the new launch of a good or service. For this, you simply build an advertising narrative and direct the calls to customers who are really loyal to the brand.

For this type of campaign it is essential to know a little about the customer’s tastes, previous purchases and level of consumption. This type of message must be well targeted and cannot be too repetitive, otherwise it could cause an adverse response from users. Nevertheless, it is an excellent alternative.

Invitation to events

Some companies usually carry out face-to-face activities as part of their loyalty strategy. A full day, parties, entertainment events or concerts. Sometimes they also hold talks or conferences, depending on the type of service or product marketed.

In any case, the robot call is very useful to announce this type of activities that are usually occasional. Precisely because they are very special matters, robotic calls can be used without inconveniencing customers. Undoubtedly, many of the most loyal consumers will be happy to be invited by the company to spend a different day.

2.- Promotion of contests and special offers

The robot call is the ideal way to inform users about new contest promotions and special offers. In fact, it is usually more convenient to promote this type of loyalty action through a call, rather than by written messaging. Consumers may be more stimulated when they hear that they can receive something than when they read about it.

So those businesses that have a special sales season, offers or sweepstakes, can use the robot call to advertise it massively. In this case, it is very positive to carry out very nourished campaigns, with large telephone lists and even several batches of the message.

1.- Loyalty messages

It seems something of little importance, but loyalty is important in any type of business. Being close to the customer and reminding them that the company is there for its customers is positive. The best thing is that it doesn’t take much to accomplish this task. A birthday or Christmas greeting, or a reminder of important information is usually more than enough.

The most active companies in terms of communication usually take advantage of anything to communicate with their customers. It could be a holiday, the beginning of a vacation, or even a mandatory message required by law. All of these are opportunities for the company to make its presence felt, and what better way to do so than by means of a robotic call.

Robot call: effective and current telemarketing

Talking about telemarketing does not imply going back to the past. This is not so, because even in the Internet era we still check ecommerce pages using our smartphones. As long as people continue to pay attention to their smartphones, telemarketing will continue as long as it is smart.

It is often stated that telemarketing is annoying and even abusive. Of course, having a company calling twice a day selling a product or service is uncomfortable. But tools such as the robot call, allow a quick communication that is often not seen as too excessive in terms of advertising practices.

Statistics indicate that business telephone conversations are ingrained in consumers. It is now known that many customers expect their favorite companies to communicate with them through some form of telephone contact. Precisely, the robot call allows to do this without generating many inconveniences, giving the concise and short message to the users.

Virtual PBXs: vital for the use of robot calls

In general, the operation of automatic call launchers depends on the use of virtual PBXs. There may be some separate programs that do not depend on this software. However, it is much easier to use applications such as the robot call by having a program that manages and unifies the company’s communications.

In the case of other call launchers such as progressive and predictive, the use of the virtual PBX is necessary. This IP telephony base program provides the necessary information for the operation of this type of system. Beyond that, virtual PBXs have multiple functionalities useful for any type of enterprise. With them, you can manage all communication, check statistics, have a call support and have other marketing modules.

At Neotel we have one of the most innovative and stable virtual switchboards in the market. By obtaining it, our customers can request the robot call module and other advanced solutions for business communication. Check out our plans tailored for almost any type of company and amplify the reach of your own business.