
5 types of campaigns that can be carried out using robot calls

Business growth has a lot to do with the ability of companies to be always present. This, in turn, implies covering every available communication channel so that consumers remember the company. Many entrepreneurs still do not understand this and that is why they build their commercial proposals solely on the basis of social networks. To tell the truth, resources such as the robot call can contribute to make the big commercial leap.

Not all entrepreneurs are familiar with the use of this application. However, it is part of our lives and from time to time we come into contact with it, as consumers. Now, what is the robot call? And more importantly… How can it be used to amplify a company’s presence?

What is the robot call?

robot call

The robot call is an application that allows to make calls in which a voice message is launched. In other words, instead of talking to a telephone operator, the receiver of the call listens to a recording. The word «robot» is used because the speech is programmed and executed by a robotic operator.

The robot call is part of the everyday life of Smartphone users, even if they are often unaware of it. When the telephone operator launches a call and indicates the date and amount of billing for the month, we are in the presence of applications of this type. In the same way, this happens with other service companies and can even be implemented with other types of businesses.

Many merchants prefer to use social network messaging services, but it is possible to exploit the robot call also in those cases. Basically, this is an automated tool that allows the entrepreneur to extend any kind of advertising or informational message. That is why, as a business communication tool, it can be used in different types of campaigns.

How does the robot call work?

There are many robot call programs or modules, with different capabilities and interfaces. The essence is to have a space where the messages and the list of telephone numbers to which the calls will be directed can be programmed. Both things are configured to be able to send massive voice calls.

In this sense, the call robot is basically a call launcher. Only, instead of being answered by an operator, the message will be voiced by a machine. To place the advertising message that the entrepreneur wants to give to his audience or clientele, he will simply write it and the robot will repeat it.

When the robot call is used, a large number of calls are launched simultaneously. Everything will depend on the limits of each application and, of course, on the number of telephone numbers to which each call will be dialed. The difficulty in using the program depends on the interface, although Neotel has one of the simplest and most intuitive on the market.

Now many may ask themselves the following question: What kind of message or advertising campaign can I make with this tool? Here are some examples.

5.- Collection campaign: the most popular one

It is very easy to remember the robot call thanks to the service companies that make billing reminder calls. The big telephone companies usually use a quite advanced type of automated robo-call that allows to indicate to the customer the amount to be paid in the month, as well as the deadline to do it, or cut-off date.

Of course, this is still an application of automated call launchers that usually favors service companies. However, it is not only banks and telephone companies that offer this type of product. For example, a karate teacher, a gym owner, or an academic who gives virtual classes, can take advantage of this resource to show sophistication.

Promotion of a new product

Many stores don’t know how to promote their new products and are left with the typical publications in social networks. With Robot Call, customers can be alerted about the new launch of a good or service. For this, you simply build an advertising narrative and direct the calls to customers who are really loyal to the brand.

For this type of campaign it is essential to know a little about the customer’s tastes, previous purchases and level of consumption. This type of message must be well targeted and cannot be too repetitive, otherwise it could cause an adverse response from users. Nevertheless, it is an excellent alternative.

Invitation to events

Some companies usually carry out face-to-face activities as part of their loyalty strategy. A full day, parties, entertainment events or concerts. Sometimes they also hold talks or conferences, depending on the type of service or product marketed.

In any case, the robot call is very useful to announce this type of activities that are usually occasional. Precisely because they are very special matters, robotic calls can be used without inconveniencing customers. Undoubtedly, many of the most loyal consumers will be happy to be invited by the company to spend a different day.

2.- Promotion of contests and special offers

The robot call is the ideal way to inform users about new contest promotions and special offers. In fact, it is usually more convenient to promote this type of loyalty action through a call, rather than by written messaging. Consumers may be more stimulated when they hear that they can receive something than when they read about it.

So those businesses that have a special sales season, offers or sweepstakes, can use the robot call to advertise it massively. In this case, it is very positive to carry out very nourished campaigns, with large telephone lists and even several batches of the message.

1.- Loyalty messages

It seems something of little importance, but loyalty is important in any type of business. Being close to the customer and reminding them that the company is there for its customers is positive. The best thing is that it doesn’t take much to accomplish this task. A birthday or Christmas greeting, or a reminder of important information is usually more than enough.

The most active companies in terms of communication usually take advantage of anything to communicate with their customers. It could be a holiday, the beginning of a vacation, or even a mandatory message required by law. All of these are opportunities for the company to make its presence felt, and what better way to do so than by means of a robotic call.

Robot call: effective and current telemarketing

Talking about telemarketing does not imply going back to the past. This is not so, because even in the Internet era we still check ecommerce pages using our smartphones. As long as people continue to pay attention to their smartphones, telemarketing will continue as long as it is smart.

It is often stated that telemarketing is annoying and even abusive. Of course, having a company calling twice a day selling a product or service is uncomfortable. But tools such as the robot call, allow a quick communication that is often not seen as too excessive in terms of advertising practices.

Statistics indicate that business telephone conversations are ingrained in consumers. It is now known that many customers expect their favorite companies to communicate with them through some form of telephone contact. Precisely, the robot call allows to do this without generating many inconveniences, giving the concise and short message to the users.

Virtual PBXs: vital for the use of robot calls

In general, the operation of automatic call launchers depends on the use of virtual PBXs. There may be some separate programs that do not depend on this software. However, it is much easier to use applications such as the robot call by having a program that manages and unifies the company’s communications.

In the case of other call launchers such as progressive and predictive, the use of the virtual PBX is necessary. This IP telephony base program provides the necessary information for the operation of this type of system. Beyond that, virtual PBXs have multiple functionalities useful for any type of enterprise. With them, you can manage all communication, check statistics, have a call support and have other marketing modules.

At Neotel we have one of the most innovative and stable virtual switchboards in the market. By obtaining it, our customers can request the robot call module and other advanced solutions for business communication. Check out our plans tailored for almost any type of company and amplify the reach of your own business.


WebRTC line: The best communication option for companies


Many companies use expensive and hard-to-install communication systems. However, nowadays there are innovative, efficient and low-cost technological solutions. One of the most advanced is the webRTC line.

With the arrival of the virtual pbx, internal and external communications were simplified. However, even this technology has constantly evolved over the past few years. WEBrtc-based PBXs seem to have arrived to change everything.

What is the WEBrtc line?

Web Real-Time Communication (WEBrtc), is a system that allows audio and video communications between people from web pages. This ambitious project launched by Google in 2011 completely changed the way we interact with others.  Its greatest contribution was to allow fluid communications via the Internet without the need to install special plugins.

In the last few years, the first virtual pbx’s have been created based on this technology. Certainly, the advantages that this type of system offers are many.

Most companies continue to use less profitable virtual switchboards. Both systems that work with SIP and cell phone systems are difficult to configure and involve considerable expense. None of this happens with the WEBrtc line.

Advantages of the WEBrtc line applied to business communication

The WEBrtc line is much simpler to install than other communication systems. Its configuration is uncomplicated and does not require the acquisition of physical infrastructure.

In order to use it, it is also not necessary to acquire telephone lines for employees as is the case with mobile telephone switchboards. Of course, this implies an important money saving for the company.

With this system you can transfer and manage calls, as well as make conferences with several people at once. The only thing necessary is that the employees have a device and an Internet connection. From there, communication will be unlimited and of high quality.

Companies that are adopting this technological solution are getting a lot out of it. Neotel’s WEBrtc line is easy to install, configure and use. Without a doubt, it is an upgrade that will bring improvements to business communication and customer service.



Virtual PBX: Optimization of communication and customer relations

Communications for businesses, large companies and call centers are done through telephone exchanges, with the inclusion of internet call systems the use of virtual pbx has become widespread to encourage the use of VoIP calls, Neotel offers the best possible option to save costs and increase productivity.

What is a virtual switchboard?

The virtual switchboard is an Internet-based IP telephone exchange system (called a cloud service).

The main advantage is that for the use of the service, the customer can be outside his office, does not require sophisticated equipment (except in some terminals or IP phones), and its cost is monthly, without having to make any investment.

How does a virtual switchboard work?

The virtual pbx’s are also called vPBX (Virutal Private Branch Exchange) where your software is hosted on a server that is controlled by VoIP, this is responsible for providing numbers that are used to contact the company.

The main feature is the transformation of the calls into data packets to be transmitted over the Internet to the receiver, which has the ability to decode them.

This feature reduces the cost of the call and the associated services (extensions, welcome menus, call forwarding, call recording, among others).

It eliminates the need to contract a telephone line for each operator in the company, and in turn allows interconnection with another location, a mobile or even at home.

Why choose Neotel’s virtual voip switchboard?


telemarketing surveys

Neotel’s Virtual pbx voip allows significant savings for companies because it does not require investment in hardware.

Services are controlled using a simple Control Panel that is easily integrated to mobile phones.

Our Virtual PBXs include features that allow

Advantages of Neotel’s virtual switchboards

The virtual switchboard allows 100% linkage with the services offered by mobile phones, so our customers benefit from all these advantages of this linkage.



Some advantages of this type of integration:

  • Internal calls at zero cost
  • Bonuses contracted from mobile extensions.
  • One single invoice
  • Configuration adapted to your needs
  • Included at no extra cost:


telemarketing surveys

Why choose Neotel?

There are more benefits than you can imagine, first you do not need to buy anything, does not require permanence, you can use mobile and fixed as extensions of the virtual switchboard.


click to call me back

The WebRTC extensions are free and have no limits on the number of minutes, all the functions you need are included, and as an option that stands out is that we offer you a new number if you do not have a number to carry.

In cases where you need to port your number it is possible that they become a virtual number and you will receive calls on your mobile or any other table number you provide and your number will be the same.


What future for SMEs?

The digital resources of the future 1. Tailor-made management programmes   A management software allows us to have a greater flow and control over all aspects of our company. 2. Virtual switchboards In a few years this technology will displace the current ones as telecommunication systems in companies. With virtual PBX’s companies will save a […]


Manage the telephone calls of your business and make the Virtual PBX the main Technology in your Telecommunications.

The Cloud Technology

The virtual pbx’s work through the voip protocol (Voice Over Internet Protocol). This, and as we have already explained in other posts, does not mean any more that the «voice» travels through the Internet.

PBXs offer a wide variety of features to their users that are not possible with physical PBXs. One of the qualities that Neotel has seen that most attracts our customers is the professional voice-over service. From 7,50 € our clients can obtain for their company a voice-over, which they can then configure in ivr mode or welcome message for example, which has been recorded in a studio without noise, by professional voice-over artists, and with different characteristics always according to the client’s needs. If you want more information about Neotel’s professional voice-over service you can visit the following link: https://www.neotel2000.com/en/professional-voice-over-service/.

However, locutions are not the only characteristic of the pbx’s in the Neotel cloud. We would like to point out that all our switchboards offer the following features:

  • You only need Internet to run your virtual pbx
  • You choose the number of extensions
  • 1 numbering included assigned or cover page
  • Flat rate to fixed rate included
  • Mobile Minutes Bonus

It also includes no additional cost:

  • Telemarketing Surveys
  • Monitoring, spying and whispering
  • Statistics of incoming and outgoing calls
  • Fixed or dynamic signalling
  • Configuration and self-management of the ivr
  • WebRTC for Internet calls. Audio and video calls

You can also add it to your virtual switchboard if you wish:


Send massive SMS to mobile mass SMS for companies SMS sending platform

The Neotel switchboard integrates the ACD system («Automatic Call Distributor») which is nothing more than a queue to monitor incoming calls. This queue is intelligent and connects automatically with the person responsible and specific to answer that call.

Neotel’s virtual switchboard allows any worker to work with the same regardless of where they are.



premium Neotel virtual call recorder

Neotel’s virtual switchboard opens a new door to the future of telecommunications.

Attract and retain customers through call centers and virtual switchboards

The adaptation of the already obsolete physical switchboards to the cloud has meant a next evolutionary step in the communications and relations of the companies for/with their clients.

When talking about call centers and virtual pbx’s it is necessary to mention Google’s webrtc technology. Neotel bets on the integration of webrtc lines for companies. With a webrtc line, in the end what you get is the possibility of making and receiving calls from any device connected to the Internet, as if it were a physical phone, only without the need to buy any terminal.

webrtc line

Contact us and ask a question about Neotel’s webrtc technology

Contact us and ask a question about Neotel’s webrtc technology

Advantages offered by the virtual switchboards for our company

Today with this new post in our blog we want to get even closer and make known the advantages offered by the virtual pbx’s and that are not few.

The 10 advantages of virtual switchboards

1. Competitiveness

A virtual pbx has many advantages. It can make us available at any time and from anywhere. Another feature that brings us working with the virtual pbx is to increase our productivity.


2. Multiple numbers

A phone number that is easy to remember is very important for our company. In Neotel we offer a wide variety of options for contracting a telephone numbering, highlighting our 900 lines.

3. Multi-device

telefonia ip

From IP phones, webrtc lines, mobile phones … The Neotel solution is usable from any device that has an Internet connection.

4. Multisede

Imagine that in our company we have different branches, with offices in cities such as Madrid and Malaga. Regardless of the number of extensions for each of our venues, Neotel’s virtual switchboard allows us to receive and make calls as if we were all located under one roof. When dealing with extensions, there are no longer any geographical barriers. This is one of the main functionalities that this type of switchboard allows us.

5. Mobility

Being a system in the cloud and as we have been explaining, we can work with our switchboard from anywhere in the world.

6. Flexibility

The switchboard is scalable in the sense that if our company grows or decreases in size we can increase or reduce the functionalities of our switchboard.

7. Company image


webrtc line

Having a professional telephone system will help improve the image we are giving of our company. The Neotel switchboards allow the customer:

  • Click to call me back.
  • Virtual fax.
  • Telemarketing surveys.
  • Monitoring.
  • Statistics of incoming calls.
  • Signaling.

Perhaps one of the main advantages of virtual switchboards is this, to give a better image of our business to customers.

8. Improvement in customer service

With features such as detours, waiting messages and queuing system we can get better serve our customers. Thanks to the advantages of IP telephony the line of our business can hardly be communicating. Nobody likes to wait or not to attend. Having the virtual switchboard for our company is a way if we seek to improve customer service.



hire line 900

9. Line capacity

Before putting more operators or more lines for specific cases we can use the features of our switchboard such as waiting messages or voice mailboxes. The virtual switchboards are for managing large volumes of calls.


10. Cost reduction


virtual pbx

This is undoubtedly, among all the advantages, the one that is most attractive for companies that make the leap with the virtual switchboard. It does not matter where in the world you are and you will be speaking at the lowest possible price. It does not matter if your employees are located geographically far from each other. At the end of the day, with the virtual switchboard we will obtain the maximum possible savings in our calls that with any other telephone system that we can hire. The Neotel virtual switchboard is available to everyone.


What are the benefits of working with virtual services?

The virtual pbx is usable in table and mobile telephones.

The concept of virtual pbx is broader than at first thought. The main features of the virtual pbx’s systems are:

  • Receive and send emails.
  • Generate massive advertising
  • Communicate between extensions / departments.
  • Register personal data of clients.
  • Send text messages to mobiles.
  • Receive and send internal communications.
  • Redirecting calls.
  • Record, receive and send calls.
  • Telephone conversations.


Send massive SMS to mobile mass SMS for companies SMS sending platform

With the virtual telephone exchange the software is synchronized with the different telephone lines. As it is a system hosted in the cloud, this is an important saving.

Save on costs with virtual services

The virtual switchboard, unlike how it happens with physics, means a great saving of money in terms of configuration means.


virtual pbx

Bet on virtual services

Actually working with cloud services brings benefits always. Some companies still unaware of what virtual switchboards are may mistakenly think that there are disadvantages in the use of these services. Nothing more erroneous.

Technology needed to set up a Call Center

With the following article of our blog we want to show some of the advantages of using call center or virtual pbx. The virtual pbx’s can be completed with various and different services.

Free calls between extensions

Communicate between different departments in your company for free with interextension calls.

Personalized music on hold

Prevent your customers from getting bored while waiting to get in touch with you.

IVR services in call center

Interactive Voice Response Service through which the caller navigates through different options until finally contacting the corresponding department.

With Neotel we can opt for a number with another location, port our number to the virtual pbx or use our usual number. ip telephony or virtual calls significantly reduce the cost of communications in our company.another great advantage is the price of calls made.

call center virtual

No installation or maintenance costs as the system is contracted in the cloud of the company that provides the service, these costs recur on behalf of the same. A virtual switchboard means a great saving to the company that wants to give a more professional image. The main advantage of a virtual call center is the savings it represents for the company.

You have already seen that there are many advantages offered by a call center or virtual switchboard

In order to use a virtual call center or switchboard you only need an Internet connection, since all services are stored in the cloud, this means savings for us as users of the virtual call center / switchboard.

telefonia ip

In addition, one of the main advantages of the call center is to answer calls from any device. you can use different extensions. also, the virtual switchboard Neotel is fully scalable being possible to increase or decrease the features and functionality of the same as our need. manages the calls of the company with the virtual switchboard Neotel.


virtual pbx

It is the best way of communication for a company, both with its customers and internally.



Virtual switchboards have become the best way to generate and retain customers.

Switchboards, Telephony and CRM

A virtual CRM is easy to set up and implement and fast. A cloud-based system is ideal for companies that want to save costs in installing and maintaining hardware machinery.

As with virtual PBXs, CRMs give way to the cloud, which is the logical step to take. More and more companies discover the benefits of using cloud-hosted software to save costs on installing applications on multiple computers and physical devices.

Save money and time with the cloud

A telephone system integrated with a CRM is capable of:

Integrate outgoing and incoming faxes so that they are sent as PDF files very easily.
Voice mail with what to receive messages in the inbox.
Virtual receptionist with predefined messages and 100% customizable by the client.
Maximize the productivity and work of operators.
Track calls.
Imagine the possibility of unifying all the functions of CRM and telephone system in a single platform, with which to create a more solid sales automation, be more efficient, save on costs and manage their tasks. What sounds interesting? Get with Neotel to increase your income, profits, sales results and be more productive.

IP telephony and CRM available to customers

Having all the information related to customers, including internal conversations, all communications, contact data and log with all recent activity, helps us to have a more global vision about our clients and all the activity related to them .

Virtual Switchboards

You will be able to have all the information that interests you, such as history of conversations and the periodicity of the same ones. They are all utilities that bring a series of advantages in terms of the organization of your system and your company. Neotel is the ultimate CRM solution for all types of customers.

Detailed information, at your fingertips and unified on the same platform.

Using a CRM in your company is a symptom of being a Professional. Having the information in a detailed and organized way is vital for the good functioning of our company. Forget disorganized data. Let Neotel worry about your business, and you just go for the real thing.

Without organization in the data we are not able to achieve our objectives

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management and is nothing more than a management software for companies with which to have all the data relating to contacts and communications with them in an organized way and, more importantly, Unified, within the same platform. Ask Neotel about our CRM now and ask for more information without obligation.

Thank you for continuing to trust Neotel as your Telecommunications Provider.