Productos Data Center

Data center products: Shared or dedicated server?

The most cost-effective for businesses today are virtual servers. However, entrepreneurs still have one last dilemma to solve when it comes to contracting storage services. The key question is which data center product is right for you: shared or dedicated server?

If you are still wondering what a server is, it is basically computers for data storage. All this is important when working with an online store or if you are setting up an information bank. Now, if it is a matter of choice, both shared and dedicated servers are efficient. Everything will depend on what they are going to be used for.

The shared server: A good start


which data center product is the most interesting?

When talking about data center products, it is impossible to forget the effectiveness of the dedicated server. However, it should also be taken into account that its hiring is usually a little higher in terms of price. To tell the truth, not all businesses need this type of virtual storage.

For example, start-up companies can rely on a shared server first. If the website or online store is not very large or complex, it can also work well with this type of server. Even a small call center service can operate this way.

The shared server can offer enough storage space at a reasonable cost and without the need to set up a datacenter. Of course, there are companies that, due to their volume of work or type of service, require dedicated storage. As the name implies, this format involves the use of the computer and all the space by a single company or contracting person.

Who needs a dedicated server?

Virtually any company with a massive volume of attention, sales or users requires a dedicated server. Stores with a large stock of products or with complex and heavy web pages should also contract this type of storage. This option is the most optimal among today’s data center products.

Dedicated cloud software allows everything to be stored in the cloud and this is how Neotel offers its virtual PBX. This type of service guarantees space, high performance and data security, a very important issue nowadays. The value of the dedicated server is perfectly profitable for a high-volume business.

The data center products to choose will depend on the business activity developed, the volume of work and the characteristics of the website. Neotel offers different plans oriented to the different needs of each client.

Neotel’s data center products

In addition to its call center software, Neotel offers storage services at very low costs. Linux virtual machine storage can start at a base price of 10 euros, for small websites. The transfer rate is unlimited and backups are offered at low cost.

A dedicated server is also available at a cost of 280 euros with everything you need for any type of business activity. Maintenance is provided by Neotel, as well as the repair of possible failures. The customer simply relies on the service, without having to set up an expensive data center.