Virtual fax: reconciling the before and the now in the office
The virtual fax is an adaptation to the digital world of that device that is still seen in many offices. This machine was the predecessor of all the text communication technology that we enjoy today through the Internet. Today, this service is available from the computer through the call center software.
Sending a fax is basically sending scanned material through a telephone transmission. Many offices still use fax as a means of communication between companies and also internally. In fact, this implementation is still useful for sending documents quickly.
How does the virtual fax work?
The virtual fax is a module that allows you to send and receive faxes from a device with an Internet connection. In this case, e-mail is usually used as a means of sending and receiving. In other words, this mechanism allows communication between a real fax and a computer or a cell phone.
The e-mail form contains the receiver’s e-mail address and the telephone number of the fax machine. The documents to be sent are then attached to the fax. Similarly, a person can send this type of communication through this type of machine and be received in the mail.
The possibility of sending faxes is another alternative to sending a printed or digital document. With the digital fax, totally different technologies are integrated for the benefit of the company. The best thing is that you can scan papers and send or receive them in real time. Having this possibility can make a difference in the midst of some complicated situations.
Virtual Fax: Connecting the call center to the company
The virtual fax is an add-on that operates through the virtual pbx. In this sense, it can be understood as a resource for the call center service and the rest of the company. Customer services of banks and telephone companies can simplify their tasks from this module.
It should be noted that the virtual switchboard is not only used by call center companies. Many companies integrate their internal communications through this type of software. Cutting edge proposals in this service such as Neotel allow you to incorporate such innovative options as virtual fax in your pbx.
Companies that provide services to other companies can take advantage of this module. It is precisely in this type of situation where the traditional fax has not lost its validity. In any case, be given one more option for him to send data. Having a call center program with this add-on is undoubtedly an advantage.