Click to call me back: what every business website should have

Currently, there is a tendency to separate call center tools from ecommerce tools. However, both systems can increase sales and interaction with potential customers if they are integrated. In fact, the new virtual PBX has an innovative module to improve the impact of the business or commercial website: click to call me back.

Those who have websites will understand that the world of plugins is vast, although it is often difficult to know how and what they are used for. This is one that is also part of the virtual PBX service in the case of Neotel. The virtual PBX is no longer a call center program and has now become a complete and integral telemarketing software.

The secret to sell more

click to call me back

The best marketers and entrepreneurs in the world understand that the right thing to do is to open as many channels as possible for communication with users. Most marketing theories and strategies indicate that part of business success lies in availability. The most successful ventures are those that are most available and everywhere.

Therefore, the use of telephone and Internet tools should never be understood as opposites. It is not that by having a web page, the right thing to do is to eliminate the call center or the means of communication via telephone. The more effective and operational communication channels a company has, the more likely it is to generate sales.

Some customers come to a company from one social network or another. Similarly, some prefer to write a private message, contact through the website or rather, communicate directly by phone. Precisely, click to call me back is a tool that integrates telephony and website, to facilitate customer service and of course, sales. But… What is this innovative system all about?

What is click to call me back?

Those who have experience with commercial websites know that the platforms have add-ons that allow to improve the reach and management of the same.  The click to call me back is precisely an add-on designed to improve communication with the customer from the website.

The click to call me back is a button that is installed on the business website or virtual store. When pressed, customers who want to receive some information can see a box and enter their phone number. In this way, an agent of the company will contact them to answer any questions or in case they want to place an order.

This module of the virtual switchboard allows instant communication with users who discover the commercial website. With its installation and use, communication ceases to be in the hands of the user, and is arranged by the company at the user’s will. The impact of this tool is important, because it solves a major problem that all of us as consumers have experienced at some time.

The problem of most websites

Nowadays it is very common to look for products and solutions to our problems through Internet search engines. It has happened to almost all of us that we suddenly find the website of a company of interest and when we are ready to ask and make contact, it simply becomes impossible.

Websites are tools to increase the visibility of companies and in marketing strategies, they are placed as an essential element. The problem is that many of them publish telephone numbers that over time have become outdated. Similarly, sometimes the consumer finds an e-mail, writes to the company and gets no response. There is also the box that allows to leave messages, which is usually inoperative almost always.

Precisely, the click to call me back button gives the entrepreneur the possibility to contact users who might be really interested in the product or service offered. On the other hand, the customer will be sure that, by entering his or her number, an agent of the company will contact him or her. This is how this simple button allows our company to stand out from others in the eyes of consumers.

What do companies gain from the click to call me back button?

Convertibility: Companies that install and properly use the click to call me back button can convert Internet users into customers more easily. This is because they migrate people interested in the product to a much more direct conversation with a company representative or salesperson.
Immediacy: Thanks to this button, commercial communication occurs immediately. Instead of relying on the customer to communicate, the burden of communication falls on the company. Of course, this increases the opportunity to generate new sales.
Differentiate yourself from other companies: Something fundamental in business is to stand out from the competition. This must be done with the products and the brand, but also with the attention offered to the clientele. By offering click to call me back as a communication alternative, companies put themselves in a better position against others with outdated websites.
More avenues of communication: This button is basically another system by which customers can contact and receive personalized information. This implies projecting greater availability which also improves the perception that users have about the company.

Click to call me back: useful for any type of business.

The click to call me back button can be used by any type of business. Businesses that offer services can take advantage of it due to its immediacy. For example, a law firm can receive the numbers of potential clients and call back immediately, projecting its vocation to serve and help those in need. In fact, this plugin allows to show interest in the user, regardless of the hiring.

However, this PBX plug-in can also be included in virtual stores. In this case, the click to call me back can be oriented to answer customers’ questions, or as a mechanism for dealing with complaints. There is always a way to include it even in this type of website designed for direct online sales.

On the other hand, merchants who sell products but do not have an online store, can manage orders from this module.

How to obtain and install click to call me back?

Click to call me back is one of the modules of Neotel’s virtual switchboard. Therefore, it is a service provided to entrepreneurs and companies that contract this service. The inclusion of this module in the monthly plan is very economical, costing only 25 euros per month for its installation and use.

For those who do not know what a virtual switchboard is, it is a telemarketing and customer service software, which allows to manage business communication. It has the basic features of call center software, but includes many other functions and add-ons. Basically, it allows the implementation of IP telephony, databases and other necessary implements for a formal, professional and intelligent business communication.

On the other hand, the installation of the click to call me back button is done by Neotel’s IT experts. This is done in a very simple way and does not affect the design of the business website. Everything is done in an expeditious manner and the client can request to place it in the section of their digital portal that seems most convenient.

Neotel: quality telemarketing software

Neotel offers entrepreneurs and traders its innovative telemarketing software. This virtual PBX goes beyond the applications and functions for answering phone calls. Our program also has complementary modules to work with other communication channels and generate more sales, as well as the best attention to your customers.

Some of the modules most used by our customers are the call launchers, the call robot, the virtual fax, the signaling, the sending of massive SMS, the CRM and many more. These as well as the click to call me back button are effective to connect with the public and achieve better communication and increased sales flow.

Our virtual PBX has a long history of good performance, stability and speed. Neotel is a company that has been in the business telecommunications market for more than twenty years. Our virtual PBX is used by some of the most important companies in Spain and the rest of Europe and Latin America. Contact us to learn more about our products, special modules and prices. We have all the necessary tools for the development of professional communication and business marketing.