
Are you still losing sales opportunities because of unattended calls?

The price of a virtual switchboard varies from one company to another. At Neotel we offer you the best virtual switchboard in the market, and we have the best rates. Why do not you call us right now so we can give you all the details about our switchboard rates?

Virtual switchboard at the best price

A company that does not answer your calls is a company that loses sales. This is as it is. But you do not need to keep losing sales opportunities within your company anymore. With Neotel’s virtual switchboard, no incoming calls are left unattended. Here are some alternatives to losing a call from a potential client:

  • Distribute the calls according to the reason of the call. Through a menu of options that is presented to the person who calls us, his call is transferred to the department. corresponding to deal with your case.
  • Waiting queue with music. The client listens to background music to liven up his wait in what an agent remains available. As soon as this happens, the call is automatically transferred to the agent.
  • Distribute calls between workers. Unlike as happens with the physical switchboard, with the virtual yes we can when a person calls, transfer this to a worker 1, and if this is busy serving another person, we transfer it to a worker 2, or worker 3, etc. .

The virtual switchboard allows several simultaneous incoming calls, unlike what happens with the physical switchboard. Your customers will no longer hear busy ringtones when they call your company.

The virtual switchboard solves the busy line problem when a customer calls

The virtual switchboards work thanks to the normal Internet connection in our home or company. And it is thanks to this, that they allow us to work with several simultaneous calls. Face to the user, there is no depreciation in the quality of the call when it is done through a virtual switchboard or a physical one. But there are big differences in terms of money: the virtual switchboard always comes out cheaper as an option than the physical telephone switchboard.

Working with the Neotel switchboard is as simple as contacting us now. And before you imagine, you’ll be working with our virtual switchboard. And you already know that with Neotel, there is no permanence, neither initial investment nor installation on your part.

Who has not happened to call a company and gives a busy tone? Maybe, and just maybe, if you really have interest in contacting that company, try again after 5 minutes. If after this time you call again and keep giving a busy tone, the chances of you trying again are already very low. What is most likely to happen? Well, you are going to contact another similar company.

And here goes another missed sale opportunity.

When a person calls a company, and this does not have a virtual switchboard like ours, there is this risk that the company has its operators busy and can not answer that call, and the customer simply hears the tone that the line is busy.

Are you going to risk losing further sales opportunities for your company while your competition takes advantage of your potential customers?