Telemarketing Surveys: The Strategists’ Solution
Today’s entrepreneurs understand the value of business-related metrics. The explosion of social media in the business world has led companies to pay more attention to this type of information. However, network statistics do not cover all the data needed to analyze the impact of products and services. In this sense, telemarketing surveys can be the ideal ally to finalize strategies.
Surveying customers has multiple benefits and it is much easier if it is done through call center software. It is not the same to place two surveyors in a shopping mall than to take advantage of the customer when he/she calls the company. Telemarketing surveys allow to know preferences and perspectives of users quickly and easily.
The telemarketing survey module How does it work?
The telemarketing survey system works in a very similar way to ivr. The customer listens to the survey when calling or being called and simply answers by pressing a number on the keypad. This operation usually takes no more than a minute and that is why it is so effective. The company configures in its module the question to be asked and the answer options.
One of the most common surveys is one that invites the customer to rate the service. An answer from 1 to 9 can be assigned on the keypad, giving the customer a good range of options for rating. However, there are better ways to use this automated module to boost business profits.
The automated telephone survey allows you to ask customers almost anything. You can rate products, self-management systems and even ask what kind of plans or services they prefer. Surveys can also be conducted to learn about customer demographics. This is vital because it allows you to understand the profile of the regular user. Knowing the age, gender or residential area is crucial to boost service in a targeted way.
Telemarketing survey and strategy go hand-in-hand
Telemarketing surveys should be targeted according to business needs and perspectives. They allow the entrepreneur to verify whether the direction he is heading in is the right one. User queries are directly related to the next steps to be taken. This is precisely what makes them useful tools for production and sales.
An excellent strategy is to run contests to motivate the customer not to run away from the surveys. The mere possibility of winning a prize motivates people to act with a certain commitment. That way, the entrepreneur is assured that many of the answers he will get are legitimate and sincere.
The best thing about this module is that there is no need to hire a telephone interviewer. The system is an annex of the virtual pbx and works with the voice of a recorded operator. Companies like Neotel offer innovation and upgrades in this type of add-on. It is inexpensive to obtain and pays good dividends in use.