The Complete Guide to Understanding Autodial Software

It has been shown that a call launcher is the most efficient for any call center that wants to enhance its work.

Importance of auto dialer software

Having a call launcher for our call center, together with the premium call recorder, is the ultimate kit that every call center wants to have.

Real-time reporting and monitoring


premium virtual call recorder

The automatic call launcher helps us to improve our ‘numbers’ in general.

Best Lead Conversion Percentage

Progressive and predictive dialers dramatically improve the talk time of calling agents.

Increased agent talk time

Both progressive and predictive scoreboards save time.


call center software

Neotel offers its customers three different types of automatic launchers: robot call, progressive dialer and predictive dialer. For a better understanding of the differences between our call launchers we invite you to contact us now and our customer service department. After the call you will know which of our three solutions is best suited to your needs and those of your company.

Make sure you get the highest level of efficiency possible for your business.

Reduce waiting times with your customers with our dialing solutions.