Call center software: solutions, alternatives and everything you need for your customer service company
As is well known, companies that are responsible for providing support or customer service will always need technological aids. With the passage of time, these technological aids have evolved in such a way that they are established as potential reinforcements to the work carried out by callcenter operators and agents.
The call center software that Neotel brings to you will guarantee that you, your telemarketers and / or agents, can perform their work even with advanced technology from anywhere in the world, decentralizing and blurring the idea of a unique place of work.
Can I have my agents connected regardless of the geographical location where they are located?
If possible. Thanks to the call center software that Neotel has for you, you can make and receive calls through a data network with which the only thing you will need is a stable Internet connection and a computer or any electronic device.
You can for example predict the time of each call for each of your agents by using the predictive dialer option, or answer as many calls as possible to your team of professionals, and / or use the robot call to send messages from welcome, unfold options menu, or transfer the respective calls to the operators that will attend the case in greater depth.
IP PBX: A whole world of possibilities without access restriction
We already know many of the advantages of acquiring an IP switchboard service, since it consists of a wide service, of numerous functionalities and, what is even more striking, is the capacity that has, by its simple interface, to adapt to all types of companies and demands specific to the services that they must provide to users.
From this it also derives that, since the IP PBX is a versatile and comfortable service, it works much more efficiently and does not represent a major problem that requires some kind of maintenance or repair, since everything is stored on the web and it has a very beneficial access through the use of a user and established password.
Is it true that an IP PBX offers professional features under an easily accessible platform?
As mentioned above, the IP PBX has easy access, where the service provider, which in this case is Neotel, provides its customers with a username and password so that they have access to the full operation of the same, allowing both you as its agents, manage the information pertinent to the information and database of the clients, in this way, to be able to carry out the advice, follow-up, control and resolution of the specific case.
Being able to access the IP switchboard through a user and password facilitates the agents’ development in the various functionalities that this potential tool grants to all users.
Also eliminating aspects such as hardware, cabling and other physical devices, we will have a much more comfortable, affordable and effective system, where what is prime is the productivity of teleworkers, and the timely and quality attention that we can provide to customers or users.
Telephone switchboard: when the validity expires
The telephone exchange consists mainly of a system characteristic of the operation of the companies in charge of communication. It can be said that this is one of the oldest systems and has some essential requirements for its operation.
Many companies that have acquired this system over the years, realize the multiple requirements that it has, since they have denoted excessive costs of installation and maintenance of complex equipment that, compared to the virtual switchboards, are less optimal, effective and of recommended quality.
The telephone exchanges then, being the traditional ones, will need physical connections and accesses by a certain provider, which generates a series of costs and permanence clauses that this time specifically provider, and which are usually uncomfortable for users and / or customers and, therefore, for the owners of these companies responsible for customer service and telemarketing, which are the main users of these services.
Do the physical requirements and the wiring in general denote a higher quality within the system of the telephone switchboard?
The use of hardware, specialized equipment and a large amount of wiring, requires extensive facilities that in turn involve the costs of a group specialized in the management, operation and maintenance of each of these components.
Many of the functionalities that a software team or a virtual switchboard can offer, do not offer them easily and in the same way a telephone switchboard, since their functions are much more limited due to the complexity of each of the devices required for its operation .
This makes a telephone exchange lose little by little the validity it had until a few years ago, as the technology gradually adds functions that are much more complete, efficient, optimal and that require less time, less space and a saving in significant costs.