Why your company needs a virtual call center software like Neotel’s

The most basic rule for companies to be interested in setting up a virtual call center: increase productivity within it. Neotel’s virtual call center software allows, among other advantages, to generate multiple statistics and reports to obtain the information that will help you to improve the management of your company and record calls. Neotel’s virtual call center will allow that, when receiving a call in your company, what is known as IVR or interactive voice response will be activated, so that then the call will be put in a waiting queue and finally an available agent will attend it.


Neotel’s Virtual call center is intelligent



A virtual call center also offers other benefits in addition to those already mentioned:

  • Improved productivity and business efficiency.
  • Reduction of costs since the virtual call center does not require any initial costs.
  • Cloud systems are accessible at any time and allow all resources to be hosted in one place.
  • Facilitates the improvement of workers’ quality of life.
  • The company can be part of the innovation of the current technological era.

Hiring a virtual call center with Neotel are all benefits

Being able to do all call management and work from the cloud provides great benefits.


call center software

In addition to that, and as we have already mentioned, thanks to the use of a virtual call center, the company will not need new offices, new equipment, extra software or any installation of hardware; the flexibility of working allows workers to feel safer within their working environment and not think about looking for other options; the cloud contact center or virtual call center means that workers no longer have to be physically in the same place, which brings very attractive advantages.


call center virtual

Thanks to Neotel’s virtual call center, agents feel freer, less tied down, the company saves large amounts of money and improves the quality of the work that is done on a daily basis.

The virtual call center represents a great change to the traditional model

Advances in technology offer great advantages to communications and telephony systems in companies.