Benefits, features and definition of IVR (interactive voice response technology)

The failure or success of any call center is the responsibility of the agent manager. However, this role does not cease to be played by a real person and, like everyone else, it is feasible to make mistakes. With the entry of the ivr, the agent manager of the call center (and therefore the agents themselves) get a very powerful weapon for their daily work.

Overview of ivr

  • The ivr system can direct the caller to the most appropriate department.
  • This technology can collect information about the caller next to the reason for the call.

Main characteristics of ivr

1. Automated call routing

An ivr system can automatically route a call to the appropriate department or agent. The system is intelligent and is able to, from the answer it hears from the other side of the line, know which department is the most effective to resolve the issue and which agents are busy and which are available.

2. Collecting Call Information

The ivr system can collect information about the caller. It is also able to understand the reasons why this person made the call in the first place.

3. Creating personalized greetings / messages



When using the ivr system the company can record personalized messages to help with the image it wants to give to the outside.

Benefits of using the ivr system

1. Economical service

It reduces the expenses of a company without harming the quality of it. The ivr system saves us personnel. In the end it is a «virtual secretary» for our company, only that we do not need to hire a real person.

These characteristics can reduce the overall personnel expense of a company.


2. First call resolution and intelligent routing: better growth and brighter brand image

If a client is able to resolve their query in a first call, it will always improve the image that this client has about our company. When a potential client is able to resolve their issues quickly and easily, without any headaches, this potential client becomes a client. When the same thing happens with an already real client, he becomes a loyal client.

With the ivr system, no time is wasted on calls.

It is possible to make a personal message or greeting before the customer is transferred to the person you need to talk to. This can enhance our brand image as a customer-facing company.


3. Higher call volume in less time

With an ivr system the company that uses it is more productive. Its agents avoid having to answer calls that do not lead to anything since this is handled by the ivr system.


With an ivr system companies can save a lot of money on new staff. It also helps us to build loyalty with those customers who are in doubt about whether or not to continue with the service. Convert potential customers into real customers. And real customers into loyal customers. Give a better image about our company. To offer a 24×7 service abroad.