
The quality of the service oriented to the client. Experience of a call center

In most cases, the first contacts that take place between companies and customers are made through the virtual switchboard of an external call center. In addition to its integration – in the case of sales orientation – with a technological CRM program; The staff and software of a call center, has to be oriented to a satisfactory attention to the final client.

As a result, this type of industry has developed a working methodology absolutely focused on offering the highest quality.

Customer service: a main source of losses or profits of the company.

Service guidelines or how they serve their customers.

It is useless for your virtual switchboard to pass thousands of calls or for the data to be coldly entered into a CRM program or any other call center software. There are 4 aspects in which a call center must pay maximum attention to satisfy a total commitment to quality.

In the first place, it is obvious that they have to know the profile, what the client needs and their needs. Only then will they be able to evaluate the correct answer to the need. Orienting any type of company to the satisfaction of the client is the first step towards success. Without this magic wand, no company can achieve success.

Although as a consumer you can have your own opinion about it, there is no doubt that another of the traditional activities of a call center, conducting satisfaction surveys, are a great source of information. They give rise to high-value information and not only for the detection of dissatisfied customers, but also to know what is done well and can be applied successfully in the future.

The permanent supervision of processes, on the other hand, is important to continuously verify that it operates according to the established service protocols. A random supervision of the cases attended, such as that used in call centers, can be an ideal complement to check the quality of the service offered by the corresponding service in other industries.

The last aspect, especially taken into account by the call centers, is not to be obvious, it is fulfilled in 100% of the cases: the adequate treatment of the client. Being nice, offering a personalized and educated attention is an aspect neglected by many that should be the norm of each house.