
Progressive dialer: ideal for telephone sales


Companies with call center departments can control their productivity through automation. To do this, they can implement call launchers with various types of dialers. One of the most useful is precisely the progressive dialer.

Progressive dialers allow the management of the work of the tele-operators to be programmed. However, before choosing a type of marker, it is necessary to know what kind of work it will be used for.

What is a progressive marker?

Automatic call launchers allow you to control the calls received or sent between telemarketers and customers. For this to happen, the launcher has operating modes and the progressive dialer is one of them.

With the progressive dialer the system launches calls as its name indicates, in a progressive way. Therefore, communication with customers will be carried out leaving longer waiting times between each call. This is usually necessary in some businesses according to their activity.

With progressive dialers, no room for error is left and the quality of the call is usually prioritized. In this case, the system makes the dialing ensuring that there is always an operator available online for the customer.

Advantages of having a progressive dialer

The progressive dialer is ideal for call center departments with low call volume. If you want to give a specialized type of attention to VIP customers, this is the right system.

When there are long periods between calls the operator feels less stress and offers a more cordial attention. This system is also ideal for online sales and other types of outbound call campaigns.

In progressive dialing everything revolves around quality and efficiency. The contact lists for the realization of the campaigns are spent less quickly. This way, the process is oriented towards the order and use of the databases.

Progressive marker: quality over quantity

There are tasks for which it is better to select another type of marker. For example, call centers that have a high call flow should work with the predictive dialer. In this one, the attention of a greater amount of calls is prioritized.

The best call launchers incorporate several operating modes. Those of Neotel for example they have two markers and robot call. The system is managed through an intuitive interface is hosted in the cloud.

The call launchers allow for better customer service management and increased productivity. The important thing is to analyze what kind of tasks the company does and start enjoying these technological solutions.