Robot call: Use «robots» to communicate with your customers

There is a great debate about the use of robotics in the different tasks that have been performed by human beings up to now. Talking about robots seems to be an expensive, futuristic and, moreover, harmful to people’s work. To tell the truth, this is far from reality and an example of this is the robot call. A very simple application of automation, economical, of the present and, moreover, functional.

Many robotics applications are already being used without us even realizing it. For example, some of the things we do on a computer involve some level of automation. Similarly, as consumers and business customers we are also served by such applications. Now, we must first understand what a robot call is.

What is a robot call?

robot call

The robot call is an automated system that allows companies to send calls with voicemail messages to customers. To tell the truth, it is called this way because of the robotized voice that gives the message when users answer the call. It should be noted that this is the least robotic part.

Certainly, the robot call is an automated application and this makes it enter to some extent within the field of robotics. It should be remembered that automation implies performing tasks by means of systems that are controlled autonomously. Precisely, this application found in our virtual switchboard software, performs an automatic task: to launch calls with recorded messages.

We have all heard at some time in our lives a business message transmitted thanks to a robot call. For example, when a telephone company launches a recorded call with billing and cut-off date, we are in the presence of this implement. It is precisely this that is done in an automated way.

How does the robot call work?

The robot call is a module of the virtual PBX software, i.e. a program that can be operated from a simple computer. Almost all applications of this type work in a similar way: the message to be voiced is written, a list of telephone numbers is programmed and the system takes care of launching the calls in an automated way. All this is done in a very short time and the reach of this implementation is massive.

Some programs can be very complicated despite their high cost. At Neotel, we offer this application with a very easy to use interface. To tell the truth, automated applications applied to businesses should not be so difficult to operate. Of course, the robot call is a useful application that handles a very simple level of automation.

Robot call is basically a call launcher and, in fact, has the same operation. Only instead of launching calls that will be addressed by telemarketers, they have a recorded message that is voiced by a robotic voice. The best thing is that this is a very effective telemarketing medium that is accepted by customers.

The robot call is not perceived as «annoying».

When people hear the word telemarketing, they usually picture telemarketers calling to sell. While there are many lines of business that operate this way and it works, there are others in which this type of call might be considered «annoying» by some customers. In contrast, robot call messages are generally well received by most consumers.

In plain words, robot calls are not perceived by customers as telemarketing actions, although they are in fact telemarketing actions. This good perception is evidence of the ability of this application to successfully disseminate business messages. Companies that use this technology tend to enjoy a good perception by their customers and users, because this type of communication is not considered annoying.

It could be said that the robot call is among the most popular telemarketing tools among customers. Like bulk SMS, this is an efficient advertising medium that many consumers are open to. Its immediacy and the shortness of its messages are really advantageous features. This is a good reason to start working with this telemarketing software module.

With Neotel you can automate business communications

Automation and robotics applied to business are increasingly necessary innovations. Some of their applications are very basic and simple to operate. Rather than eliminating jobs, these are tools that make the work of telemarketers, salespeople and those in charge of the commercial activity of companies more efficient.

Implements such as the call robot and other call launchers are very easy to use automations. The result of their implementation is the possibility of carrying out massive campaigns of divulgation, sales, offers and any other type of activity related to marketing. At Neotel, we adapt some of these modules to our virtual PBX software so that you can help your company achieve more sales. Contact us in case you are interested.