

SMS sending platform: send bulk SMS to mobiles and bulk SMS for companies

Despite the technological advances, one of the most effective ways of communication is sending SMS, whether you are an individual or a company using a platform to send SMS can benefit you to send mass SMS to mobile phones and make an offer through mass SMS for business and take your business to the next level.

Why use an SMS sending platform?

SMS sending platforms put the human part of a business in touch with customers.

It is very important that you take into account that SMS are very pleasant because your customers feel that you are talking directly to them.

By sending mass SMS to mobiles you are not only selling, you are not saturated with advertising either, but you are trying to make friends.

Advantages of Mass SMS for companies

Sending mass SMS for companies allows you to contact your customers and offers a lot of advantages against other dissemination channels.

These advantages include

  • Open Rate close to 100%.
  • Average opening time about 3 minutes
  • High Acceptance
  • Greater speed and efficiency
  • Communications Analysis
  • SMS control sent
  • Customized templates
  • Adding discount links or landing pages
  • Linked to external Api

How to send bulk SMS to mobiles?

Neotel offers a new tool for sending mass or unit SMS from the control panel of your virtual switchboard as well as from the agents.

Improve the speed and efficiency with which you communicate with your customers, while your corporate identity is reinforced.

Moreover, within the SMS you can add links to external websites or add discount codes.

Why should you choose Neotel as your Mobile and Business SMS Bulk SMS Platform provider?

Firstly because of Neotel’s extensive experience in working with virtualitas and web-based communications.

You can create customized campaigns for mass SMS sending through our Script, which will allow you to treat your customers with a high degree of exclusivity and personalization.

Integration of massive SMS for business to your call center software


At Neotel we have integrated this module with our Call Center Software, allowing you to contact your customers either by phone or by SMS.

Significantly increase the efficiency with which your audience receives the information they want.

Schedule the sending of massive SMS to mobiles with total ease from the CRM for call center telemarketing.

Integrated to the virtualita

Make available to agents or the advertising department a powerful tool integrated into your virtualita.

By having all your services integrated in a single website, you will make every minute worked by each of your employees more productive.

Neotel offers the most advanced products in terms of productivity, efficiency and economy.

This service is also available for your mobile switchboard, allowing massive sending through our online platform.

Massive Email VS Massive SMS

The mailing’s saturated. And users send almost everything they receive to spam without even giving it a first glimpse.

Sms have a higher opening ratio than email. While people today no longer read advertising emails coming from companies, every person in the world has a mobile phone and it is estimated that it takes less than 5 minutes to open a sms on the mobile when you receive one.

Benefits of a mass SMS strategy

We must never forget our objectives or what niche our mass SMS campaign is aimed at.

In order to achieve our objectives with a massive SMS campaign we will apply the following strategies:

  • Timing: It is important to be timely, but also not to saturate the recipient with messages. Working a correct balance of this will make us be effective and take advantage of opportunities without overwhelming the customer.
  • Utility: Users seek solutions to the problems of their daily lives and not to receive stuffing content. Taking advantage of the characters in the sms format is vital to inform our customers about promotions, contests and offers.
  • Adequate language: Depending on the profile of our clients, we use a more or less formal volume.
  • Be precise: Our messages must be short and precise. Go to target.



Words like «cheap» or «offer» always sound attractive to customers. Take advantage of our offers and discounts and promotions thanks to sms information reach our customers and therefore create loyalty is something important to us.

The massive sms allows us to have a closer relationship with our customer and that this does not think is just one more person.

Why you should opt for a mass SMS strategy

It’s not about demonizing email marketing. On the contrary, we understand that both strategies complement each other and one is capable of reaching where the other does not.

Customer loyalty is something that is being built progressively. It doesn’t happen overnight. Combining our existing email marketing campaign now with a massive sms campaign we achieve impossible goals in another way.

Also an advantage of SMS campaigns is that if our information content is really good for the recipient there are many possibilities that they themselves decide to share our information with their circles in social networks with what we are getting advertising indirectly and for free.

It is very comfortable to carry a mobile with us on the street. That’s why we should take advantage of this medium with mass sms campaigns.

The latest marketing studies inform us that mobile device users are able to consult their phones an average of 2,600 times a day: to buy a product, view their social networks or review their messages. Are you really not going to use this wonderful communication channel to distribute your products?