

Is there a reliable virtual PBX company today?

The advantages of the cloud-hosted switchboards, or virtual switchboards, are endless. There is no doubt about that. But now we are faced with the problem of: And which company am I going to ask? Between so much competition it is not easy sometimes.

The call center administrators want to work under a system that is consistent with the times they run. This is clear.

It also requires working with a scalable system. Because not all call centers are the same. Each one will need specific tools.

centralitas pbx

Do not skimp on quality for your business. Highlight about your competition. Wide number of leads

But being up to date is not synonymous with wasting money. What’s more, just the opposite. With the PBX and VoIP by IP, companies save money from the first day of use. It is necessary to understand that in front of the physical telephone exchanges, the virtual switchboards always suppose a saving.

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Neotel is a specialist in the sale of VoIP telephony and virtual switchboards

Are you tired of having that physical telephone switchboard, occupying space, within your company? And of having to pay expensive repairs to the computer when it breaks down? And the problems inherent in the management of the switchboard?

Neotel is the solution to all these problems.

Neotel is the best company of virtual switchboards. Based in Malaga, it offers global service

What you need is a powerful, reliable, scalable, intuitive to use switchboard that does not impose limitations, saving you money on the bill. And this is what Neotel offers you.

The cheap is expensive. And the most expensive is not the same as the best. We at Neotel never apply permanence to our hiring. And because? Very easy. We have long understood that a satisfied customer is a loyal customer. When a great job is done, you do not need to create any permanence.

Is your company a big one? Or rather an SME? We do not care. In Neotel there is no client that we can not take. What are you waiting for to be part of our family?

centralitas pbx

Without commitments. Request a free custom quote now

There are many occasions where we find ourselves with users of virtual switchboards frustrated with their operators, and who come to Neotel with the hope that we can solve their situation.

Trust the virtual switchboard for Neotel companies

VoIP telephony means Voice over IP.

Move to the Voice VoIP (VoIP)

It does not matter the size of your company, nor the number of agent positions. We have an exclusive solution for you!

Neotel wants to be your Telecommunications Provider.

Do not skimp on the quality of your business. And work only with the best. Come to Neotel and you will not regret it.

The advantages of working with a 100% system in the cloud are endless

You do not have to keep paying such extremely high phone bills. It is in your hand only to change this. Everything starts by contacting us.

Help improve the image that your customers have about your business, break the geographical barriers and save money on your bill.

The switchboard does not have to be complicated.

Since 2001 we are installing virtual switchboards to customers all over the world

Doubts? We are here to help you solve them all. Send us an email or call us if you prefer.

At Neotel we look to the future, to implement solutions today

Your competitors have probably already migrated to the virtual switchboard. What do you expect to be next? Do not stay out of the market.

Neotel is synonymous with professionalism.

There is a new way to communicate. It’s called WebRTC. And Neotel has implanted it free for its clients

No need to install plg-ins allows you to make calls over the Internet.

WebRTC is a technology that allows you to make calls over the Internet and easily.

  • Maximum reliability and security.
  • Maximum audio quality
  • Maximum level of compatibility.

What is WebRTC? Web Real-Time Communication

Enable the web softphone (WebRTC) directly from your PBX panel

Make calls between employees faster and cheaper.

Do you still need more reasons to migrate to the virtual switchboard?

Any questions that you have in Neotel we solve them all.

Call Neotel. We are happy to answer your questions.

You no longer have an excuse to go to the Neotel switchboard

Save money internally within the venues.

With the Neotel control unit, the concept of geographical mobility comes into play.

Migrating to the PBX in the Neotel cloud we end up with barriers.

Never before has it been so easy for the virtual switchboard to reach the whole world. Take advantage of the advantages that are not few.


Advantages of having ip telephony numbers

Surely when inquiring about the services of virtual telephony the doubt arises about how they are useful for your business.

Well, before this you must be clear that this type of telephony has come to revolutionize telecommunications and it has been thanks to its advantages and functionalities that ip telephony has managed to proliferate so much in recent years.

As for this timely question that arises we must respond to you that the virtual pbx are presented as services of great utility for different sectors and for various aspects.

So, for example, you have to consider that these switchboards are configured on a virtual number, which is equal to a normal one, only in this case the different feature is that it is not associated with fixed lines. Likewise, you have to consider that with the ip telephony number you can divert your calls to all types of lines, regardless of whether they are IP, mobile or if they are fixed.

telefonía ip

Having a virtual number brings with it other benefits, which are directly related to the intelligence of this one, since it allows to include advanced functions of switchboard.

On the other hand these numbers handle the possibility of generating different statistical reports, so that as a user you can have several data about the calls that have been issued and those that have been received.

Other contributions of the IP number

centralitas virtuales

In addition to the mentioned advantages ip telephony has other contributions to give:

  • For example, adding one of these numbers to your marketing campaigns can give a way of direct contact to your customers.
  • As for the functionalities we can highlight the use of options menu, welcome messages, calls recording, among others that allow you to have a much more professional communications management.
  • Finally, these numbers will come out very cheap and you can add more for very low fees.

Choose the best virtual switchboard

You have chosen the virtual PBX as the communications service option for your company.

If so, when choosing your service you should consider several details that go beyond the experience and reputation of the company providing the service. What are these details?

Desired features in your virtual switchboard

Clearly when choosing your service it is essential that you have clear the needs of your company and according to them choose your service. But, in a general way, we can tell you that there are certain traits that you should not fail to consider:

– Make it a virtual switchboard service that does not require you to invest large amounts of money and you can hire only the time you need. That is, it really is a virtual service, does not require expensive facilities, and that allows you to give up the service when it is pertinent.
– Likewise, you should opt for a switchboard that provides remote assistance, but also allows you to manage it online.
– Clearly, if you want to choose the best switchboard you should opt for the one that presents advanced features without requiring you to perform any installation.
– For example, within the desired functionalities are the call me back service that allows you to request information immediately by means of connection. You can also find the virtual fax or the famous telemarketing survey tools.
– Other well-known tools for conducting advanced telemarketing surveys that are very attractive features and of great benefit to the company are the statistics of the incoming calls as well as the recording of the same ones.

Spy & Whisper Neotel

In reality, the functionalities to choose are many (SPY & Whisper, mobile integration, signaling extensions, verification, queuing positioning, meeting room, etc) and therefore before becoming a virtual switchboard service it will be necessary to be clear what That you need and want to get from the service.


Benefits of VoIP PBX

When opting for the service of the voip switchboard should be clear that this is one of the best investments since it has a service with excellent functionalities, similar to those of the advanced virtual switchboards, but without having to use large amounts of money for that.

Now, depending on the company that provides the service you will be able to find options that require you to comply with periods of permanence, but if the service is really good, you will probably not be required to do so.

Points in favor of the voip switchboard

Considering the above you will surely want to know more about the advantages that this service presents. Among them the most outstanding are the following:

– The VOIP service represented for all the companies a great saving when making use of a switchboard and is that it is not required to spend the money on hardware.
– On the other hand, the services or functionalities are totally controlled by means of control panels very simple to handle. In addition, the advances in this service have allowed to integrate these panels to the smart phones.
– It is important to emphasize that when choosing a voip switchboard with a company of maximum quality you will be able to put together your service with what you really need. Thus, if you require a fax you can access the virtual fax for sending via the internet. If you do not need it simply do not request it.
– On the other hand, common functions such as international numbers are also presented. CMR, automatic redial as well as corporate agenda management.

Finally, it is essential to clarify that the most advanced and requested functions of this service include voicemail, call queuing, call diverting, self-attendance as well as the conference call option.


Virtual PBX VS IP Telephony

Usual use of virtual switchboards:

Apply different redirection rules according to schedule.
Depending on the reason of the customer’s call, it can be redirected to the apartment. suitable.
Cola on hold.
Personalized welcome message.
Many companies with call redirection in their switchboards, redirect these towards the apartment. Depending on the reason for the call. To do this, a menu with different options is established so that the caller is automatically redirected to a person or apartment. In particular according to the option that this person marks.

The image is important, and so is the music waiting to choose and the welcome message.

With the virtual switchboard, the company never loses calls. Even if all operators are busy answering other calls, the PBX picks up that other call and keeps it waiting (to the client) until it is time to transfer it to the appropriate operator that is free.

To have a virtual switchboard in our company is to give a more professional image about us.

Call center tools and software

No matter the number of employees in a company. Having a virtual switchboard has to be something mandatory today. Only the companies that take care of the details of themselves are aware of the importance of having the virtual switchboard. It is also aimed at companies that want to automate the system by saving time and comfort.

Neotel virtual PBX

Usual use of IP Telephony plans in companies:

They usually do not receive more incoming calls than they can attend at the same time.
When they are called outside of normal hours they divert the calls to a voicemail.
Most employees do not talk by phone at the same time.
1 or 2 users with telephone.
ip telephony

It should be noted that not all operators give the same benefits as virtual switchboard or ip telephony. If you need a professional and reliable company, Neotel is the integral solution in virtual switchboard plans, call center software and CRM.

With the virtual switchboard, the company’s performance increases significantly with menu options, music on hold, automated schedules, welcome messages, etc.

Virtual PBX

Today, virtual switchboard and IP telephony plans are of great importance to companies. Trust Neotel as your Telecommunications provider in Malaga, providing services worldwide.

Switchboards, Telephony and CRM

A virtual CRM is easy to set up and implement and fast. A cloud-based system is ideal for companies that want to save costs in installing and maintaining hardware machinery.

As with virtual PBXs, CRMs give way to the cloud, which is the logical step to take. More and more companies discover the benefits of using cloud-hosted software to save costs on installing applications on multiple computers and physical devices.

Save money and time with the cloud

A telephone system integrated with a CRM is capable of:

Integrate outgoing and incoming faxes so that they are sent as PDF files very easily.
Voice mail with what to receive messages in the inbox.
Virtual receptionist with predefined messages and 100% customizable by the client.
Maximize the productivity and work of operators.
Track calls.
Imagine the possibility of unifying all the functions of CRM and telephone system in a single platform, with which to create a more solid sales automation, be more efficient, save on costs and manage their tasks. What sounds interesting? Get with Neotel to increase your income, profits, sales results and be more productive.

IP telephony and CRM available to customers

Having all the information related to customers, including internal conversations, all communications, contact data and log with all recent activity, helps us to have a more global vision about our clients and all the activity related to them .

Virtual Switchboards

You will be able to have all the information that interests you, such as history of conversations and the periodicity of the same ones. They are all utilities that bring a series of advantages in terms of the organization of your system and your company. Neotel is the ultimate CRM solution for all types of customers.

Detailed information, at your fingertips and unified on the same platform.

Using a CRM in your company is a symptom of being a Professional. Having the information in a detailed and organized way is vital for the good functioning of our company. Forget disorganized data. Let Neotel worry about your business, and you just go for the real thing.

Without organization in the data we are not able to achieve our objectives

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management and is nothing more than a management software for companies with which to have all the data relating to contacts and communications with them in an organized way and, more importantly, Unified, within the same platform. Ask Neotel about our CRM now and ask for more information without obligation.

Thank you for continuing to trust Neotel as your Telecommunications Provider.


Neotel, hire a Dialer for your company

In Neotel we seek to simplify the sales campaigns to the agents, obtaining maximum productivity, speed and ease of use.

By contracting the Neotel dialer service we will be getting a system that is efficient and functional at the same time.

You just need to contact our team of consultants who will be happy to attend all your doubts and explain and show the operation of Dialer or automarcador in an easy way. Whatever your expectations or requirements regarding personalization, Neotel automarcador covers the needs of all types of companies. Start seeing how your campaigns return best results with the Neotel auto-booking service.

The best software in the cloud to set up your campaigns

If your company needs to generate massive Telemarketing campaigns, you need a self-dailler or automarcador for them. Neotel’s auto-dailer service is complemented by a series of modules that adapt to the needs of all customers. Among our tools for Call Center are: the progressive marker, predictive dialer and Robot Call. Installing the auto dialer is easy with Neotel. We are professionals in Telecommunications since 2001 and we are specialized in all types of virtual switchboards and tools for Call Center.

Centralita Virtual Voip

For companies that need to make massive calls, program the same and in turn monitor results in real time, the solution of the Dialer is undoubtedly the most appropriate.

Functional dialer for companies that need automatic dialing

Herramientas Call Center

Call Neotel now and ask for more information. We are leaders in auto-diallers and every day more companies enjoy the Neotel auto-booking service. In our company we work providing services to more companies, like yours. Contact Neotel now!