

HIRE 900 LINE: Nine hundred toll-free numbers, for businesses and companies

Transmit solvency and orientation to your clients with a single number for all your locations, improving the image of your company, with better evaluation by the consumers. Offering a quality telephone service is a way of building customer loyalty and projecting an image of commitment and professionalism to the outside world.

What is a 900 line?

A 900 line is a unique number with special tariffs in Spain, the call is classified as an intelligent network numbering.


hire a 900 toll-free line

The cost of the call is paid in full by the company receiving the call, for customers this call to the 900 line is completely free.

Neotel offers this excellent service of «Nine hundred numbers», so you can have a single number to serve all your customers. Communicate in the most efficient, professional and committed way with customers.

Line Differences 900

The main difference between a 900 line and a 901 or 902 line is the cost of the call.

The 900 lines are free for the customer, who pays the call is the company (they are automatic collect calls).

In contrast to 901 lines, the cost of the call is shared by both parties. Finally, in the 902 lines the full cost of the call is billed to the caller.

How do I install a 900 line?

To start the service is very simple, it does not require any investment in systems, equipment or additional phones to the one you already have.

Call us and our agents will provide you with your new 900 line right now.

Ventajas de estas líneas

Disponer de un único número de atención al cliente a nivel nacional mejora la imagen de la empresa. Además, simplifica la comunicación.

  • A 900 line is a business prefix that allows you to effectively manage incoming calls with a single phone number nationwide, improving the service
  • The 900 lines are free and easy to remember national numbers.
  • By contracting 900 lines you offer the maximum telephone accessibility throughout the country.
  • Without costs and with clear and easy to remember numbers from any province.
  • Eliminate barriers to provide the best care for your customers.


Are you interested in a 900 number?

Once you have decided on a 900 number, Neotel will take care of the rest with its ease of use, without requiring advanced software and with specialized technical service.

Remember that the cost of the 900 call is always your responsibility, but by hiring Neotel you will get unbeatable prices.

If you don’t have a 900 number yet, we will assign you one so that your customers can contact your business.

Numbers 900

Advantages of using a 900 number

– Increase the number of contacts: With this type of service the number of contacts can increase by approximately 30% and the possibility of generating new sales with it.

– Easy to set up: The contracting of a 900 line is a very fast process. Before you know it, you are already enjoying your 900 line. Neotel can also offer you virtual pbx services for your 900 number if you need them.

– Quality customer service: Offering a free call service for the customer offers an image of professionalism before all things.

– National company image: With a 900 number the company regardless of whether it is a large or small size, gives an image of a ‘national’ company. This is much better than using a provincial prefix, which can result in a loss of sales for those customers who prefer to hire services locally.

– Follow up of the received calls: With the 900 lines the companies can find out and monitor where the calls come from since they can contract a different one for the web, another one for the social networks and another one for example for the advertising campaigns. In this way companies are able to analyze which of their campaigns are the most effective that otherwise would not be possible.

For all these reasons if the company makes available to its users a 900 number will be giving added value.

The customer service is the most important of all for any company as it depends on him directly, not only to get new customers but to keep the current ones.



virtual pbx

Did you know that the law obliges companies without exception to give a toll-free option for incoming calls?

The 902 and 901 premium rate numbers are illegal as the only option for customer service. This law was passed by the European Court of Justice in March 2017.



hire line 900

Provincial phone numbers are not optimal for all situations. By hiring a 900 line we are giving great added value to our customers while making sure that obtaining contact is as much as possible.

The telephone remains the primary means of customer service for any company.